
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Thank You & WBW
Thanks to everyone for the awesome skin suggestions. You guys ROCK! There are so many things that I want to try now, and there are a few things that I am going to buy for sure as soon as I get paid on Friday. Just as a sidenote, I actually used Proactiv for about 3 years. It stopped me from getting some of the larger pimples, but I still stayed sort of bumpy. I will tell you, those commercials are no lie. I noticed a difference right away, it just didn't last long term. Also, I do have a dermatologist (hence the prescriptions I'm on), but my favorite dermatologist is not on my insurance anymore, so I have a stand in and he's not my favorite. He seems like he might be in with the prescription companies. Very prescription happy.

I'm not getting very creative for WBW. My 1 year anniversary is coming up, so here's my engagement ring. Not only is it beautiful, it has sentimental value. The solitaire was in my Grandfather's wedding ring (what my Grandfather was doing with a gold nugget/diamond ring, I will never know) which I inherited. My husband had the ring melted down (he knew it was okay to do that) and the diamond reset into my most favorite setting, all without me knowing. He did good.


Blogger Kami said...

DAMN! That's way pretty!!!!


Damn Kami beat me...

Beautiful ring and what a great job he did!

My diamond is my grandfathers and his grandmothers but the honking big one is my grandfathers and I wonder what the heck was he doing with that ring!

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Beautiful ring, girlie.

Hope the skin starts to give you a break.

Blogger Melanie said...

Nice Bling! So clean too. I need to get my stuff cleaned.

Blogger Unknown said...

Beautiful and f'in' Kami...

Blogger momma of 2 said...

What a beautiful ring - and how sweet of your hubby!

Happy WBW!

I played.

Blogger The Egel Nest said...

That is really nice...I used diamonds handed down to me from my great grandmother to make my wife's engagement ring which I designed...

I played for the first time!

The Egel Nest

Blogger The Egel Nest said...

Kami (to be known from her forward as Six)always beats everyone!

The Egel Nest

Blogger Lori said...

The hubs did GOOD on your ring. I love the simplicity.

Blogger Unknown said...

That's gorgeous and how special that it has sentimental value! I played.

Blogger Unknown said...

You are welcome and I love it.

Blogger Tammy said...

He did a very good job. That bling is so awesome!

Blogger Jana said...


I played!

Blogger Rhonda said...


Blogger Kelly said...


I played!

Blogger Kat said...

Soooooooo pretty and what a great history behind it!

Blogger Lisa said...

Wow. I LOVE your ring! Happy Anniversary. Are you doing something fun for your big anniversary day or weekend?

Blogger roxie said...

well he didn't *quite* do it on his own :D

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