
Saturday, January 21, 2006
So I just got a letter from the mortgage company saying that I hadn't paid our January payment. Bullshizzzzzz muthafuckas. I have my bank statement which shows they withdrew it on 12/28/05. Take that bitches. I don't pay late EVER. Don't fuck with the Nappy. I WILL win.


Bastards did that in November to us as well. Turns out they credited the wrong account.

Dont fuck with flutter she always wins as well! I am not a dead beat we pay our bills on time!

Blogger Melanie said...

Gotta love the fact that no humans work with our stuff these days and no computer could EVER be wrong. Uh huh. Whatever!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Banks and insurance companies. They can go fuck themselves.

Blogger firedancerdancin said...

what nate said. bastardos!

please let us know how they handle it. In my opinion, an apology letter is due just cause they are dumbasses.

does it seem i'm a little pms-y right now? jeebus firedancer! chill out! :-)

Blogger Kami said...

Oh, that would piss me off. Don't take that shit.

Blogger Fightin' Mad Mary said...

My gym pulled the same bullshit on me! I threw a copy of the cleared check right back in their face - very gratifying.

Blogger Me said...

Oooooo... I ABHOR when this stuff happens. I can't stand when people can't do their simple jobs.

My suspicion is that it was posted in their records under 2005 since you paid 3 days early. Grrrr.

Yeah - and which company BTW? LOL. Come on... you can bad mouth them!

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Yeah, mortgage companies are big fun, no?

Blogger Tammy said...

Oh. No. Poor CitiFuckers.

Go Get 'Em, Nappy.

Blogger Lisa said...

I'm with Nate. We had a second mort on the old house. And EVERY MONTH, I would have to call them to correct something. And when we paid off the loan, we got someone else's paperwork!

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Oh my. At least you've got the proof. Rock on sisterfriend :)

Blogger Unknown said...

Don't you love people who fuck up your financial interests?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, am with Nate. Bastards...

Blogger pack of 2 said...

Don't fuck with NAp Queen!!!



Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, we are sorry. Must have been a computer error. Anyway, your next payment please!

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