
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Note to Driver of Lexus on Far West Blvd.
When I so GRACIOUSLY slowed my car down to 10 mph (there was no one behind me) to let you into my lane because you were stopped behind a parked delivery truck, THE POLITE RESPONSE WOULD HAVE BEEN A COURTESY WAVE. I fucking hate shitty road etiquette. Suck it Lexus driver. You're the kind of person that makes it hard for me to be nice to other drivers.



Blogger firedancerdancin said...

It takes every once of self control to NOT flip the bird to drivers that don't give the courtesy wave. I ALWAYS give the wave. ALWAYS. Why does it seemt the rest of Austin is too lazy to do so? damn rude drivers!

Blogger Tammy said...

Lexus owner = don't know how to drive.

Blogger Cara said...

Also, consider the part of town you were in. In my experience, folks in Northwest Hills - especially those in Lexuses (Lexi?) - are not the most considerate of people to begin with. It's almost like they think the rest of Austin revolves around them.

Blogger Lisa said...

I H.A.T.E when people do that to me too. Someone once told me that women are typically the ones who never let people into traffic and that if you let them in, they never wave. But I let people in and I make a point to wave if they let me in. And obviously you do too. So maybe this person was full of shit. (Can you guess this person who told me that was a guy?)

Blogger Unknown said...

Should I mention I used to drive a Lexus?

Blogger Lori said...

Whenever someone is kind enough to let me in, I practically get out of my car and bow down before them in gratitude. So when someone can't even bother to give me a perfunctory wave of thanks, it really pisses me off. Grrrr!

Blogger Book Bums said...

More people need to read this post!

Blogger Isabel said...

I am all about the courtesy wave.

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