
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
The Rockstar of our House
I just have to give it to my husband. He is THE BEST ever and here's the evidence to prove it.

Oh wait, that's just a cute photo of him...

First, he GAVE me his $25 gift card to Starbucks. He loves coffee even more than I do, so it was extra sweet of him to fork it over. Next, here is photographic evidence of all the lovely things he has done during his week off. As in, his vacation.

He sealed the grout.

He also installed our second toilet. YEA!!! We have 2 toilets again!

He bought and set up a desk and a new flat screen monitor ALL FOR ME. Here is my new home office. Did I mention is was mine, all mine? It's mine:

Here is a curtain rod and curtains installed and hung by my dear husband. The curtains are inside out, but I'll take it:

Next, he installed baseboards in the linen closet. Do you remember the baseboards done by the handyman? Here, let me refresh your memory:

And here is the baseboard done by my husband for FREE. Mind you, he's never done this before and it still has to be painted. Not too shabby:

Last, he installed one of our toilet paper holders:

He also steam cleaned the carpets. No lie. I wonder what he'll do with the rest of his week? Paint? Build a new addition? A girl can hope.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Your husband does, indeed, rock.

Wow he is a rockstar!

Can I borrow him for his next week off! Damn!

Blogger Norman said...

Damn girl!! What is he? A Stepford Husband?? I want one!! Make one for ME!!


Blogger Chickadeeva said...

He is awesome. I have a fabulous husband who does house stuff too!

It does indeed, rock.

And, all my girlfriends are jealous!

Blogger Melanie said...

What a faboo hubby! Sounds like you've got a keeper.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

Awesome job by the hubs!!!!


Blogger Kami said...

Aw, we'll keep him.

Blogger Lisa said...

Yeay you. You clearly are brilliant for finding and marrying such a wonderful guy. And of course, he's pretty lucky he has you. So maybe he did this out of homeage for your fabulousness. :-)

Blogger Lori said...

Awesome hubs!

Blogger Me said...

Do you loan him out? :)

Blogger Tammy said...

Yea, could you send him to big D? I need some curtains hung, a couplea rooms painted.


You're lucky. He does rock!

Blogger Unknown said...

Damn, I need to have a chat with your dude... !

Blogger Rhonda said...

Very good hubs you got there. Mine doesn't even see the need for curtains much less offer to hang them for me. (He does do a hell of the job cleaning, though.)

Blogger Kat said...

Could we clone him?

He just set the bar waaaaaay higher for husbands everywhere...

Lucky girl! :)

Blogger Isabel said...

Is he for hire? Because my hsuband could use some help building our house...e-gads!!

(And so impressed with the baseboards. I guess it's true what they say about doing something better yourself!)

Blogger Kether said...

Hee. Everyone already said what I was gonna say.

To be fair to my hubby, though, he does have The Boy with him all day, so he doesn't have time to do my huge long list of honey-dos.

The baseboard looks great, by the way! If only the people we paid to do things were that good.

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Wow. He rules. I'm so jealous :)

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Wow! He does rock!
Can he give lessons to the others??

Blogger Michelle said...

Lucky girl!!

Blogger Kelley said...

Your hubby is quite motivated during his vacation-lucky you...

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