I know a lot of you out there like this person, but personally, she drives me CRAZY. And this outfit is just inexcusable. I mean, come on. WHAT POSSESSED HER TO PUT THIS ON??? And she's considered a fashion icon? Sheesh. From Go Fug Yourself:

"There are some outfits that are so complex in their fug that they defy words and require math. This is one of them. And I think we can all agree that Derelicte + harajuku x hormones + Gavin's manpris = CRAZY."

"There are some outfits that are so complex in their fug that they defy words and require math. This is one of them. And I think we can all agree that Derelicte + harajuku x hormones + Gavin's manpris = CRAZY."
Forget the rest of the outfit, what the crap does she have on her feet? Yuck.
I almost died when I saw that. I agree with Isabel. What is she wearing on her feet?
Go look at the lady with the heart dress. Ugh.
Oh my she is a fashion nightmare...
Kami is going to be so so mad you fugged her girlfriend!
Frankly I don't know how ANYONE who's very pregnant could walk in heels like that. Not to mention the lurvely blankie. Maybe she's trying to break it in for the little one.
Yes. I don't get that she's considered a fashion "genius." Yes, and what ARE those things on her feet?
oh my gosh - they summed it up perfectly!
The outfit is beyond horrid.
That is just bad.
Who is that? That is just awful.
eeeeeeeek! that is just so awful!
Yet another reason why Queenie Lohan-Farr rocks your FUCKING socks off! She doesn't care for Gwen Pukeani!
Thank you Queenie!
You better hope RSG doesn't hear about this!!!!
LOL, just as funny now as the first time I saw it. Bless her little heart!
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