
Sunday, February 05, 2006
We Made It!
I had this wonderfully long anniversary post with lots of photos, but even though I saved it, the ASSHOLE that is Blogger ate the whole damn thing. Then it wouldn't let me upload photos until just now (over 24 hours).

So yesterday was our first wedding anniversary. We went to Eddie V's and had a wonderful dinner, then came home and watched Love Actually. It was a really nice evening.

Here are photos from our secret trip to Vegas last year.


Blogger Isabel said...

Very nice pictures. Love your dress. Happy Anniversary.

Blogger Kami said...

Great pics!! Happy Anniversary!

Blogger Lisa said...

You are georgous! I love your dress and the hubby is a hottie. Congrats on your anniversary. So glad you got to go back and have some fun. Yeay you!

Blogger Melanie said...

Those are some really nice pics. Happy Anniversary!!!

Blogger Kether said...

Happy ANniversary! I LOVE Vegas. We're only four and a half hours from there, but we haven't been since the boy was born. I miss it. LOVED the pics. You looked beautiful!

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Oooooh I love those pictures...and I LOVE your dress!!!

Blogger Lori said...

Aww, happy anniversary! Your pics are gorgeous, too! May you have many more happy years together.

PS - Isn't Love Actually a great movie? It makes me cry every time!

Blogger Tammy said...

You look so beautiful!!

You did the right thing. If I had it to all over again, I'd totaly go to Vegas! Such a great time.

Happy Anniversary!

Blogger Unknown said...

Welcome to the We Made It club. Happy Anniversary guys. !

Blogger Elizabeth said...

How awesome. Happy anniversary!!!

Blogger Unknown said...


And many more wonderful years to come!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A year ago, you trusted me with the knowlege of this secret wedding. I couldn't be happier for you and the rockstar. I expect to be one of the first to know about your pregnancy when you decide to have children!! xoxoxo

Blogger Rhonda said...

Happy anniversary! Those are great photos.

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Great pics! LOVE your dress!!
Happy Days to you!

Blogger Isabel said...

I love the dress...and the Vegas wedding!!

Happy Anniversary!

That is so cool you snuck away and got married so romantic!

I love it!

Happy Anniversary!

Blogger Kat said...

Those are great photos! You are so beautiful! Happy Anniversary! :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good ol Blogger, always there to plow you in the ass when you least expect it.
Unless, that is, you like that sort of thing.
Pics look great Queenie.

Blogger Kelley said...

Beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing.
Happy Anniversary-I wish you a lasting marriage full of laughter and passion!!

Blogger Lisa said...

At first I thought you guys went back to Vegas to celebrate your anniversary. Because the first pic I saw were your outlines against the Vegas sign. Duh. Ok. I get it now. Hope you celebrate many, many, many happy, fun years together!

Blogger hemlock said...

I absolutely love this series of pictures. Especially the last one; another year older...and very content.

Love it!!

Blogger roxie said...

you guys really are too precious

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