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Friday, October 07, 2005
The Most Random Observation
On my way to work this morning, I saw a woman walking her dog in the downtown area. The dog squatted to poo, and instead of picking up the poo after the dog was finished, the woman held the plastic bag under the poor dog's hiney and actually caught the poo before it ever hit the ground. I thought to myself, "Self, why am I watching this?" I guess it was mildly amusing (the way she had to contort herself to catch the poo) and a little bit impressive. Now if only she could train him to go in the toilet.....


Blogger Rhonda said...

I have actually thought about doing that, but worried about what would happen if I didn't catch it and it landed on my hand. Eeeww. Then I thought about those little baggies that the carriage horse wear. We should invent those for dogs.

Blogger firedancerdancin said...

I have so seen that...either that woman walks her dog all over the place or placing the plastic under the heiney is far more popular than I would have originally thought.

Blogger Norman said...

OH! That's really an image I could have done without!! BLECH!!

but very funny!


Blogger SuburbanMom said...

oh my -- now that's efficient, eh???

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Holy shit!

Thanks for the laugh...you should try that...it sounds ubber-impressive!

Blogger Tammy said...

Ewww. I think I would rather pick it up, that be seen trying to catch my dog's poo. Gross!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dog and I are not that coordinated. This would surely pose a problem for us...

Blogger Kelly said...

LMAO! Holy shit... no pun intended! That is quite a visual!

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