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Friday, September 23, 2005
Vacation here we come!
I'm sorta copying Dunkin here, but one week from today we'll be on our way to New Mexico!! We're going to be staying in a cabin in Ruidoso for four days. In 74 degree weather. I get to wear a jacket at night because it will be in the 40s! I even bought a new raspberry colored scarf for the trip. Overboard you say? I think not. We're going horseback riding and hiking and who knows what else, so I have to be prepared in case it's cool outside. I'm sure I'll buy some good turquiose jewelry, and hopefully some good quality beads to make my own jewelry. I don't know how I'm going to make it through next week! I always feel a little sad for the pups having to be in a kennel, though. They have abandonment issues, and I always feel like they must think we've decided to turn them back in, but I'll GET OVER IT and so will they.


Blogger Rhonda said...

Vacations, YEAH!!!!! I feel guilty for the dogs too. That's why I usually hire dog sitters.

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Vacation...enjoy it now 'cause I know you're just dying to have that first kid.



Blogger Lucky Lum said...

What the hell is a vacation?
sounds like a great time!

Blogger Tammy said...

Again, like I told Dunkin:

I am so jealous!!

Hope you have a great time!

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