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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
It's Wayback Wednesday Sexy Mama!
This week, The Kept Woman wants us to post pictures of ourselves as sexy mamas. I don't really have any sexy photos that I feel comfortable posting on the internet, so I'm cheating a little bit. Here a few photos from my recent lingerie shower.

Not too sexy....

Getting warmer.....

Mama Mia! I think my face shows the surprise upon opening this one!

(Yes those are underwear, and yes there was a matching bra with equally shocking, um, holes....)

Let me know if you played!


Blogger Jennifer said...

Wow, looks like you had a great shower! And I bet that those will be super hot when you get to use them! The last ones, had me rolling!

Blogger Tammy said...

I don't see a point in those panties. It's just like putting on string. I mean, I'm all for thongs, but damn those even have easy access in the crotch!

I played.

Blogger Kelly said...

Love your facial expression on the last one! I played too!

Wow that is one wild number. The purple my goodness and comfort is not a factor in that one!

I played loved your face in the last picture!

Blogger Dynila said...

Wow! I can't imagine WHAT one would wear those last for... I have no idea where my children came from, either... (wink, wink)

I played sorta...

Blogger Unknown said...

Hehe those are some sexy undies!

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Dude! I have those purple ones on right now!!!

Just kidding...I'll bet the King of Napville was LOVIN' your loot from this shower! Screw the vacuums and coffee mugs or a normal shower!!

Blogger Kami said...

Um, you should be posting pictures of you IN the hot lingerie. ;)

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Woo hoo, crotchless panties!!
my favorite kind. And you got the matching bra wit holes cut out for the nipples? Lucky girl. you might want to hold on to that one later for a nursing bra.

Blogger Michelle said...

Nice! I like the way you're holding out your pinkie like you're sipping tea or something. Haha!

Blogger Me said...

LOL... I thought the same thing as Molly. No way those babies will fit little ol' you! :)

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