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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving
I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of family, friends and food. I have met so many cool people through blogging, and I'm thankful for all of you.

I'm also thankful for my wonderful husband:

I know you're probably sick of hearing about him, but he's just the coolest. We're going to his Grandmother's for lunch and my parents for dinner. I'm going to be one stuffed gal!!!

I'm also very thankful for my family. They really are the best. My mom doesn't cook a turkey because my sister and I don't eat meat. She's very accommodating and never complains!! So if you want to see some funny pictures of me and my sister, check out her blog. They really are classics. I'm wearing my favorite Units outfit in the second photo!!



Blogger Me said...

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your husband!! :)

Blogger Kami said...

I love the pics of you guys!

Blogger Unknown said...

Happy T Day to you ! Nothing like Vegas!

Blogger Lisa said...

Happy Turkey day. Your wedding photos are awesome! :-)

checked out your sis's page. Very cool. :-)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you have a great day!

Blogger pack of 2 said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your husband. I love the pictures of the two of you. I hope you both have a great day.


Blogger Tammy said...

What beautiful pictures. You were truly a lovely bride.

Happy turkey day!

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Good post. I love those pictures of you guys. (Love your dress :)

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

you guys are too cute!
Happy Not-Turkey day to you!
(Thanksgiving is the one time a year I eat turkey)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's so cool, seriously. For all the complaining you usually hear from various people through the day about their husband or wife. It's nice to hear random 'warm fuzzies'. Good post Queenie.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the pics. Hope you had a great Turkey day.

Blogger Kami said...

I'm getting you this for Cmas:


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