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Friday, November 11, 2005
Stuff Portrait Friday - My First Time
I don't usually do SPF, but I thought what the hell? You only live once, right? Sorry about the blurry pictures.

Last thing I bought for myself: Red toile flannel sheets from Ross for $28. They are soooo comfortable. I really need to stay away from Ross. I always walk out with something I don't need.

Last thing someone bought for me: Two light fixtures. The top one is for the main hallway, the bottom one is a light/fan for the bathroom. These were purchased with the money my dad gave us for the house, so he technically bought them for us.

My wallet: Yes, that's my wallet sitting on a big fat stack of bills.


I LOVE THOSE SHEETS. We really are alot alike, i love toile!

I played!

Whats the verdict on the flooring? Have you decided?

Blogger Lisa said...

Pretty, pretty wallet! I think I need a pretty wallet now. :-)

Blogger Kelly said...

Love those sheets! I played - Happy Friday!

Blogger xtessa said...

ouch on the big, fat stack of bills! LOL!

i played!

Blogger Elizabeth said...

I played. And bills suck.

Blogger Peanutt said...

A perfect place for a wallet. Right on top of a stack of bills since that is where most money goes anyhow! LOL.
I see alot of people are buying those flannel sheets now...it is getting colder...
I played.

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Yeah, Ross is like that. I think if the stuff was more expenseive it would be easier to say, "Nah, I don't need a white vest with a furry collar" but when it's $15?

I love that wallet, very cute!

Blogger Jana said...

I love stores like that where you just have to buy something cause it's such a good price. I played too!

Blogger Tammy said...

Those sheets are awesome!! I featured something from Ross too!

Blogger Cara said...

Love love love the toile!

Blogger Zoe said...

nice sheets
nice stuff
saw you at Adrienne's place..
and now at Kristine's...
who is following whom?


Blogger Kami said...

I love Ross. Can you really sleep on flannel sheets, though? Dontcha get hot? Or do you sleep in your birthday suit?

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Love the sheets! they are too cute. I must stay away from Ross (and TJ Maxx...and Target...geesh, the list goes on!)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Green sheets and a great price for them!

I played too

Blogger Random and Odd said...

You have some pretty cool stuff. I think I like your lights the best though!!

I just replaced the lights in my entry way and my kitchen and it looks about a million times better. Now I need to change out the hallway lights so they match.

Thanks for playing!

Blogger Unknown said...

Should the light fixtures still be in boxes???

Blogger Leska McCall said...

I love the sheets, also. Look at the Ross situ this way: if it wasn't there, you'd be somewhere more pricey, right?

Blogger The Q said...

I can't go into a store around here called Home Goods (I do believe it's the same people who own Ross). I will walk out with $200 worth of stuff I didn't even know I needed!

Blogger Kat said...

Loving the wallet. :)

Blogger Nature Girl said...

Wow...LOVE the sheets. Flannel sheets are soooo comfy its hard to get up in the mornings LOL I played too Stacie

Blogger Lori said...

Nice sheets. Your doggies are so cute.

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