
Saturday, November 19, 2005
I Love Shopping....and Joaquin
I got my highlights today...nothing fancy, just a few to brighten things up a bit. I also decided to do a little shopping since a certain store by my house was having a huge sale. I got a red velvet jacket, a red sparkly holiday party shirt, silver chandelier earrings (cheaper than I could have made them), a casual purse, and a prude-ish librarian sweater (think Grease). Now I have to get rid of some stuff that I never wear.

My sister and I saw Walk the Line last night. SO GOOD. Joaquin Phoenix was amazing. I was worried about Reese Witherspoon, but she was fantastic too. Not to mention she got to mug down with Joaquin. Speaking of Joaquin....his voice was great, and his smoldering gaze was entrancing. He captured Johnny Cash's undying love for June Carter so well. Sigh. He really is a great actor. He's come a long way since he went by Leaf and starred in Parenthood.


Blogger Kami said...

Joaquin is hot. Why were you worried about Reese? I love her. I have since "Man in the Moon." :)

Blogger Isabel said...

So, should us ladies be loving Joaquin? Because I am not too sure that he is *that* hot.

Hum...guess I need to see this movie.

And, HOORAY, for new clothes and highlights!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must...see....pics with highlights!

Blogger Mama Duck said...

What a weekend.

Beats the crap out of sitting home by myself with my two children while my hubby hunts Bambis. (deer, not strippers)

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Joaquin is just a beautiful man. I thought he would probably be very good in the flick - glad you confirmed that for me.

Blogger Lori said...

Joaquin is my secret celebrity boyfriend. He is soooooo hot...have you ever seen "Quills"?
YIKES! I could talk about Joaquin all day...

I can't wait to see WTL.

Blogger Nap Queen said...

Kami- I was just worried about Reese playing such a serious role since she's so good at the "LEgally Blond" type roles. I do love her though. Her voice was incredible. That woman should record an album.

Blogger Tammy said...

See, when my mom asks me what I learned today, I have an answer for her.

I had no idea that he was Gary in Parenthood.

Blogger Melanie said...

I'll have to check that out. I've never thought of him being all that hot. I'm jealous, I want to go shopping!

Blogger Lisa said...

I am SO DYING to see that movie. And glad to hear it was good. Now I'm really really wanting to see it.

Blogger Unknown said...

Mug down????

Blogger cassy said...

I don't think he's super fine, but he does look great in the previews to the movie. I can't wait to see it.

Blogger roxie said...

All y'all biatches can back off because Joaquin is my future husband. I fell in love with him in "To Die For" http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0114681/ScanImage2a0.jpg
...hawt teenage badboy deliciousness...mmmmmm...gotta go

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