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Monday, November 21, 2005
Open Letter to Senders of Urban Legends
Dear You-Who-Doesn't-Flash-Their-Headlights-for-Fear-of-Being-Shot,

For the love of God, please, please, please check www.snopes.com to see if the email forward you are about to send me is true or false. If it's true, please send it my way. If it is false, however, do not send it to me. To be honest, I don't really care about most strangers or what happened to their mom's friend's sister, and I don't believe that pictures of clouds in a cornfield were pictures of Katrina rolling into New Orleans or that if I heat my food up in tupperware I'm going to get breast cancer. You are wasting my time and I'm a busy gal.


P.S. There is some truth to the "hydroplaning while using cruise control in the rain" email, but I've already looked that one up so no need to send that one again. I'm good.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

I hate those things. I generally delete anything that is forwarded.

Blogger Unknown said...

Like Mikey and Pop Rocks and Coke?

Blogger Book Bums said...

You are flippin' hilarious!

To respond to your comment...I've only lived in NM for a little over a year. I really have no complaints. It's absolutely beautiful and so different from anything I had ever seen growing up in Cincinnati. The worse part is being so far away from my family and friends! :(

Blogger Isabel said...

I hate, hate, hate those freakin' e-mails. My Grandma usually sends me all of them. I had to break down and tell her to STOP SENDING them to me because they are junk!

I think she was offended because she quit e-mailing me all together.

Whatever works!

(and don't you just love the snopes site? I could read it all day!)

lol I hate those forwarded emails!

Blogger Kat said...

I can't stand getting those emails! I posted a 'the end of the world won't be broadcast via email' rant on my blog a while back. My favorite is when people send stupid things out to the whole office. When will everyone figure out that Neiman Marcus posts the dang cookie recipe for free on their website??? :)

Blogger Tammy said...

I got one today that said DO NOT DELETE, THIS IS BEING TRACKED!

Yea, whatever. I hit delete and didn't even read it. No one has come to get me yet.

Blogger Nature Girl said...

You said it! My son just got his drivers license and is CONVINCED that one is true about bright lights and getting shot. I can't convince him otherwise..I'll have to show him snopes... Too funny

Blogger pack of 2 said...

LOL...um...Whats the deal with crop circles[grin]???

I ahve never heard about that site but I'm gonna check it out.

I don't believe most things that I receive in email forwards.


Blogger Kami said...

THank you and amen.

Blogger roxie said...

Here's another myth buster site I love: http://www.breakthechain.org/

Blogger Kelly said...

Yep! And if I get one more email about the abducted girl Penny Brown, I'm going to scream!

Blogger Lori said...

I LOVE Snopes!

TAG, you're it.

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Seriously. Delete, delete, delete :)

Blogger Lori said...

Oy vey, I can't stand those forwards! Like isabel, I have a relative who is constantly sending that crap to me. I finally told her to please stop, and I no longer get any kind of electronic messages from her. Oh well!

Blogger Mama Duck said...

WTF? You mean Bill Gates ISN'T going to send me a check?


Blogger Lisa said...

I HATE those too. Thank you!

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