I have done my fair share of camping. We were, in fact, a granola family. There are a TON of camping photos at my parents' house, but none here at my house. That being said, here's what I have to offer:

My sister is on the left (white-ish sheet on her head) and I'm on the right. We are obviously acting out the nativity, complete with baby Jesus in his bed of leaves and stuffed animals for our camels. I don't know what went down before this photo was taken, but I was seriously pissed. This counts for the great outdoors, right? Oh, and I don't think that Mary or Joseph ever sported the sweet kool-aid mustache I have going on...Let me know if you played!
You guys look like you belong in that movie "The Village" or something. :)
Dude, you SUCK.
I love the baby Jesus in the leaves! :)
Is it a freaky weird sign that my word verification is "hekxxx".
Yep that is ONE nice mustache You got working there :)
Oh my God! That photo is hysterical... and adorable! Very cute!
Oh yeah, I played too!
This is so cute! I wonder if I can find a WBW photo to play too?
Hey Roxie, the photo you posted is just as great!
Holy crap that picture is hysterical.
I played!
That is so funny. Love the mustache!
You guys are so very cute!!
I played!
That is so funny and adorable at the same time.
BTW- Thank you so much for the card. It was very sweet!
LOL!!! Too cute. I played too.
That's adorable!
I played too!
I would have never pegged you two for doing something like this...
oh my gosh - that is the cutest photo!
I played too :)
That is a funny picture! How cute! :)
That is sooo cute. I had to laugh. Awwwww.
ANd yes, we played too....
Can I link ya? Can I assume that's ok unless you tell me "No deal?"
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