Today, I am sad. I have VPL (Visible Panty Line, Glamour Magazine's #1 Fashion Don't), and there's nothing I can do about it. I had no other choice, literally. I won't go into why, but it has to do with my last post. I guess this is a learning lessing that is supposed teach me to keep on top of my household duties. So if you see me today, just know that I know, and know that I don't like it.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
VPL. Got it. It took me a VERY LONG TIME to get it. If someone pointed that out to me, I'd have to hit them.
Huh? Can I get it??
Oh and thankgoodness you are friends with the FUG group because they dont fug friends!
Why are you wearing panties anyway? Just go without for the day and see what you think.
I thought that is what thongs are for?
I think at some point we've all fallen victim to being unable to avoid the situation... how funny you had this faux pas occur on FUG Thursday... :)
Ok..I have to say it...Don't listen to Glamour...
VPL's ARE SEXY! are probably thinking, "Bradley has never been a pig like that before..."
But I am a man..and VPL's are in fact hot!
sorry...I feel like a perv now :)
The Egel Nest
Just take them off then!
I had them everyday when I was preggo and had to wear those ugly maternity panties.
(So cool you knew Christina too!)
I say ditch 'em. Unless, of course, you're wearing white. That might be even more em-bare-assing.
I know. I'm just too funny!
Damn, I hate that. I'll go with the majority and say - just dump 'em and go comando.
Oh honey. We all have those kind of days.
We still love you.
May we see a picture? Or are you having a visitor? I'm glad you were honest with us.
Well, if anyone in your office ever wondered if you wear underwear -- now they know. heehee.
Oh no!!!!! You must then go commando if you have no clean undies. We just can't have VPL!
Stuff like that seems to ruin the entire day.
I hope you can make it through the work day, so you can get out of there and ditch the panties.
I think we can forgive you this one time.
Commando is the only way to go...I'm just sayin.
Oddly, I will go to great lengths not to have VPL when I wearing pants but am not so stringent about it when it comes to skirts.
That's just me, I guess.
Word verification? "wyndd." As in, "you are the wyndd beneath my wings."
and that, my friends, is why I'm all about commando. however, there are certain *times* when VPL is practically *unavoidable* and I ain't talking about pregnancy.
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