
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Things I Hate #27
So I have poison ivy. Again. I never had it as a child or a teen, and now that I'm 29, I've had it 3 times. Here is a photo of the back of my calf. I know it doesn't look THAT bad (the light pink area is some medicine that is wearing off). It's not that it spreads over a large area, it's that it blisters and weeps and ITCHES like holy hell and weeps and weeps some more. It also scars like a bitch. No comments on the hairy leg or dry skin. I haven't shaved this area in a while. I think you can forgive me.

I decided to try an anti-itch, natural remedy called "oatmeal". Basically you cook up some oatmeal thicker than you'd eat it, slap it on the poison ivy, and let it dry to a hard cement. Here are the results:

And here's what happens when you have dogs:

She followed me around all night, and I think she even got in a few licks. The oatmeal sure did work though! This is the least itchy and blistery and weepy it's been in days. Geez, this in addition to the VPL, I'm a mess.


Blogger Me said...

Personally we never found oatmeal to help any kind of itching. Ever.

... and that looks like the weirdest and yuckiest case of poisen ivy I've ever seen. My youngest got PI ALL THE TIME in one of our previous homes that had 1 acre of 'virgin land'. Full of the stuff. Through trial and error I found we could get rid of it within 1-2 days. It involved Dawn Dish degergent and aloe vera cream.

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Awww, you poor thing. I have luckily never gotten poison ivy.

I so totally just jinxed myself.

Oh I hope you feel better soon!

Blogger Heather B. said...

I've had poison ivy twice, both times I was in elementary school. The first time though, I could feel the bumps on my face and when I went to the nurse they said they couldn't see anything so they sent me back to my class. An hour later the bumps were itchy and gross and much more noticble. The next morning, my eyes were swollen shut. I'm deathly allergic to the stuff apparently.

Try some aveeno, that stuff helps. Good luck!

Blogger hemlock said...

I've never had poison ivy, but I've heard a few stories...

I love that pic with your puppy looking oh so lustily at your leg. Hilarious.

Hope the itch goes away soon!!

Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, cool! ;)
Feel better !

Blogger Tammy said...

Eck. I've never been allergic to poison ivy, so I've never gotten it. Don't tell me that changes as an adult!!

Blogger Lori said...

Oh man that looks awful. Good to here the oatmeal helped. The dog pic is priceless.

Blogger Annejelynn said...

I'm making a mental post-it note on this one.... next time we go hiking/camping and 7 yr old magically finds poison ivy, use OATMEAL! aweseome!

Blogger The Egel Nest said...

I was a summer camp kid and I had Poison Ivy and poisin oak and I was bit by snakes and had other such plague related injuries.

But you will be okay...it seems weird that we were able put a man on the moon..but we still put oatmeal on poison ivy ...hmmm


The Egel Nest

Blogger Rhonda said...

I used to get poison ivy all.the.time. when I was a kid. It sucks ass. Too funny that your dog wanted to eat your leg.

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

I heard if you pee on it, it'll go away faster.
Just kidding, but I thought it would be funny if you tried!

Blogger Melanie said...

That looks like it hurts. That dog following you around is cracking me up!

Blogger Unknown said...

(Laughing to hard to type_

Blogger Kat said...

Oh that doesn't look like any fun at all. Silly doggie. Glad the oatmeal helped!

Blogger Sheri & SuZan said...

wow...oatmeal...I never knew. I used to get poisen ivy every summer I spent at the lake in east Texas.

Blogger Isabel said...

Yuck. Doesn't look fun. I hope it heals up soon.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

LOL @ the dog. They never miss an opportunity, do they?

It looks ITCHY! Sorry about that.


Blogger Kami said...

I. Hate. Poison. Ivy.

Stop romping around in the bushes. You are a mess, girl. YOu have a week to get that cleared up.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

OMG...I guess I have never seen poison ivy look that bad. That looks so painful...I feel bad for you.


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