
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
I'm Going With Appendix....
You might remember my recent post about the issue I had getting an appointment with my lady-doctor to talk about some pain AND doing my annual exam. Today's the day I'm supposed to go in for the pain, but here's the deal. It's not really pain so much as pressure. It's been happening for a long time, but it was so random (once every twos weeks or so) and lasted a few seconds, so I chalked it up to gas or a random cramp. Starting the week before last, it became a constant. It's like pressure or a dull ache. And sometimes it throbs, but it doesn't hurt. It's very hard to explain. It's right around the lower right-hand part of my abdomen, so of course my first thought is my ovary. I did some googling, and it's also very close to my appendix. I'm trying not to worry, but all I can think about is ovarian cancer. Nevermind that I have none of the risk factors and only one of the symptoms. I'm a worrier, what can I say. Anyway, 11:30 can't get here fast enough. All I want is an answer so my mind can calm down a bit.

Update: I'm back and feeling a little better, even though I don't really know any more than I did this morning. My doctor (whom I adore---I don't think I mentioned that yet) did a pelvic exam (a very thorough one, I might add) and couldn't tell anything, so I have to schedule an ultrasound to see if there are any cysts, etc. She had me show her the exact spot of the pressure and she said it was directly where my appendix is, although it could be a cyst coming off my ovary. If the ultrasound doesn't reveal anything, then they do a laproscopy so they can actually SEE what's going on, and at that point, they will take out my appendix. She said even if it doesn't look funny or inflamed, 9 times out of 10, the pain goes away with the removal of the appendix. Huh. I guess I won't know more until next week. And one last thing....I weighed 4 pounds less than I did at home. Go figure. My scale is going in the trash. It obviously sucks.


Blogger Rhonda said...

OMG. You sound just like my husband. Why must you automatically jump to the worst possible conclusion?

I am sure it is nothing to worry about, but I will be thinking of you come 11:30.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sending positive vibes your way....

but just in case tell your ovaries...

"I'm gonna punch you in the ovary, that's what I'm gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the babymaker." -Ron Burgundy

Blogger Nap Queen said...

LOL at Monica. Good one! I hope you can find an appropriate Anchorman quote for ALL my posts.

Tx Mom - It's one of the things I get from my mom. She is a worst case scenario kind of worrier, and I've been like that my whole life. Sucks.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not appendicitis. That comes on quickly and hurts like hell.

Blogger Nap Queen said...

I know it's not actually apendicitis, but my mom's appendix hurt for a year before she actually had appendicitis and had to have it removed. I'm hoping it could just be irritated.

Blogger Lori said...

I'm thinking anything BUT ovarian cancer. My best friend had similar symptoms and it turned out to be endometriosis. She's getting treatment for it now and says it's much better.

Hope you get well soon!

Blogger Tammy said...

Here's a way to tell if it's your appendix - press on the area that is hurting. Let go quickly. If that hurts like hell - it's your appendix. I know this because I've had mine out and that's what they told me.

Blogger Liberal Banana said...

It's 12:30! What's the verdict?? I hope you're fine! Or easily treatable! I need to stop with the exclamation points! Ahhhh!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kiddo...I'm going to play doctor for a moment and say it's an ovarian cyst. In college, I had one. Apparently, it had been growing slowly. I felt pressure and cramping and...eventually...terrific pain. The Quack Shack on campus brilliantly diagnosed me with a pulled hamstring and put me on crutches. I lost 15 pounds from being unable to eat. Finally, I was in so much pain I was taken to a hospital. My white count was sky high and I screamed every time the doctor touched my abs, when made them think that I had a rupturing appendix. Surgery revealed a grapefuit-sized cyst that had grown around one fallopian tube. Cysts are pretty common and can usually be taken care of without the drastic measures they used on me 20 years ago...big abdominal scar.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope your worries have been erased. I blame the neighboring Australians for any and all pain.

Blogger piannist said...

Before I even read the update, I've was thinking ovarian cyst. I had similar symptoms the last few months. My doctor said they tend to go away on their own, if though they are a pain. Good luck!

Blogger Rhonda said...

Ouch...all options suck. Keep us posted.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, keep us informed! My fingers will remain crossed until further notice.

Glad you're getting rid of the scale. It's a downer. And you don't need it-- you're a hottie!

Blogger Kat said...

Well I'm late as usual, but Tammy is right about pushing and releasing and massive pain if it is an immediate appendix problem. I get cysts on occasion and they hurt like a bith. One ruptured in college and I thought for sure it was my appendix - Lucky Lum stayed the night with me (too stubborn to go to the hospital) and the quack shack gave me a high dose of aspirin to treat the pain. meh.

It's good that your doctor is thorough and doing the ultrasound and whatever else to make sure something isn't being overlooked. Most would rather wait until you collapse.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got a cyst on my ovary. It just gets irritated around that time of the month. However, I've noticed that with birth control pills (I really love my birth control pills...can you tell?) I don't have as much of a problem. Maybe it's an estrogen thing.

It will be fine. You'll have a whole bunch of tests run, spend a bunch of money on it, worry like crazy and it will be some conclusion like you have an internal bruise that you didn't know you had. :-)

Blogger Elizabeth said...

See? SEE? I knew that you weighed less than you thought.

Anyway, it is probably the appendix and just get that bitch out of there and you'll be all good.

Blogger Fightin' Mad Mary said...

Yank that appendix out!! It's not doing anything anyway...
and trash that scale for sure!

Blogger Kami said...

Not knowing sucks.

I just hope your appy, if that's what it is, doesn't go hot. That is BAD. OUCH. ;)

Blogger Me said...

Just be careful. I've had 2 friends within the past year have to get their appendixes out. It did not seem like fun!

Blogger Lisa said...

I'm thinking of you. And I know how you feel about the worrying...

Blogger Karla May said...

Endometriosis? Could be... I had it for a loooooong time, and from time to time there were ovarian cysts, etc. All if it felt like what you're describing. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

"Female trouble" ain't no fun. Take it from me. I'm like a grizzled war vet when it comes to that shizz.

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