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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
You Wanna Make Me Angry?
Then put the following flyer on my car for me to find after a long day at work:

Hmmmm, their worst enemy is "if you blow this off and not bother to vote"? I thought it was the GAYS. I thought you had to "protect your children and grandchildren's future" from the GAYS, the big busload of GAYS that are coming to town to vote. So how exactly are the homosexual activists endangering these people's children and grandchildren? Sigh. I will never understand this. For the love of all that is holy, if I see YOU put another flyer on my car I WILL rip the flyers out of your god fearing, gay hating, closet porn loving, cold, wrinkly hands and throw them in the nearest puddle. Stay away from my gay loving Civic. Goodnight, my work here is done.


Blogger Kelly said...

You would so not see that in California! LOL And I agree with you 100%

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta love them thar Homophobes! Those good ole Christians promoting Christs message of hate for queers...oh...wait a minute...that wasn't in the bible.

Blogger Tammy said...

Amen, sister!

How exactly is gay marriage affecting our children and grandchildren? By showing them to marry the one you love?

Strange, very strange.

Blogger Rhonda said...

I wanted to say something profound, but I am just too annoyed. I can't believe that our government and the "right" feel so strongly that two people (who happed to be the same sex) who love each other and are willing to commit themselves to each other should not receive the same benefit as two people of the opposite sex who share the same feelings. It blows my mind. And let's be sure to make it a constitutional amendment so that if anyone with actual decency and compassion ever makes it into office, they will have a hell of a time changing the law.

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Right on Sistah!!

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Oh lord, that makes me barf.

Blogger Kami said...

Asses. As if we heteros have made such a great example of marraige. Puhleez.

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Nice.......what happened to the vastly liberal Austin I left?

Blogger Michelle said...

I'm right there with ya hon. I hate hatemongers. Why can't people leave each other alone?

Blogger firedancerdancin said...


I love how they do it so covertly as well...can't yell at a peice of paper.

no one has put any nasty fliers on my vehicle, which is too bad...I like to fight with idiots, cause I am always ensured the win. :-)

Despite all of that I'd still like to think that Austin is the oasis of coolness in this state---and i will be out voting---just not the way they are hoping I am...

Blogger Kat said...

I have several gay friends and not one of them is trying in any way to destroy 'traditional' marriage, what a stupid argument. There's crap like that here in Houston as well. It makes me so mad I'm not even going to try to put what I think into words...urgh!

Blogger roxie said...

Omg, you rock! That's why you're my FAVE :)

Blogger pack of 2 said...

You are friggin AWESOME. Thanks for the support!!


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