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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Grody to the Max
I have a sort of love/hate thing going on with meat (insert immature laughing here).

It started at a young age when I was designated the "hard spot finder in ground beef" in the family. Every time my mom cooked with ground beef, I would always find some gristle-y, boney piece of nastiness. I knew I didn't like it, but as a kid, you kinda eat what is given to you. I also grossed out hard when I found some sort of veiny looking thing in chicken, but that wasn't as bad as the hard spots in the beef.

A few years ago, I finally decided not to eat beef or pork anymore. Basically, I found the thought of ingesting the skeletal muscle of cute barnyard animals, well, gross. After about a year, I took chicken and turkey out of the equation, too. So there was lots of fish, tofu and dairy being eaten in the Nappy household. (Don't get me wrong, my husband is a big ole meat eater, except for chicken. It gives him the heebs, too.)

After a year or so of that, I just felt like I needed more protein, so I went back to eating chicken and turkey. All has been well, except today, when I bit into a NASTY piece of chicken in my Lean Cuisine Chicken Fettucine Alfredo. I almost gagged at the texture. I spit it out and mistakenly SAW it which grossed me out even more. So, folks, I think I'm going to have to give it up again. It just sicks me out toooo much.

Here's my dilemma. I think too much dairy contributes to my break-outs. And I really think I tend to eat more sugar when I'm not eating as much protein. Anyone have any bright ideas? I'm tired of thinking about it today.


Blogger Tammy said...

I think there's protein vitamins and shakes, no?

Oh, and "but as a kid, you kinda eat what is given to you." Would someone please explain that to my 6 year old? Please?

I am not a huge meat eater but just dont love the taste. Actually I like Steak and Pork chops but other meats not so much!

I love Edamamme it is a great source of protein!`

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

I used to only eat chicken. And then one night I had a nightmare about horrible disgusting raw-chicken-parts all over teh place! I didn't eat chicken again antil many years later.
I stick to fish and chicken only.
Salmon is a good choice. I also like a good ole bean and cheese burrito!

Blogger Norman said...

bleargh!!!! i'm okay with meats... but chicken fat will make me PUKE.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried tempeh?

Blogger Me said...

Well, I hate ground beef in chunks - always have. My Dad used to yell at me and ground me because I'd pick the chunks out of my chili, taco salad, etc.

*how about a good steak*

Try a nice rib-eye on the grill, just medium well. What is great about steaks is that because it's all piece of meat, it's not contaminated by any other cuts and you know what is in (unlike hamburger). As for chicken... I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love it... but I hate to think about it when I'm eating it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HollowSquirrel and Homer Simpson have teamed up to give you this protein alternative: nuts, delicious nuts. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Oh, and sorry but Matthew Fox (Jack) loves him some chicken gristle, so I guess I'll have to take him off your hands...

Blogger Kami said...

I have to do any and all chicken MYSELF. I cut out all the nasty shit. I refuse to buy any of the frozen chicken stuff. EW. They leave the nasty shit on there. As you saw...

My breakouts have all but gone away since I've been on Yasmin. Check it out.

I was a veggie for seven years. I don't think I could do it again.

Anyway, check out the hormone thing.

Blogger Kat said...

Like Tammy said, I would go for the protein shake or something, they're not too bad. :)

If I had read this during or right after lunch I would have hurled. :) I can't stand when you get the weird chicken or the meat with something hard in it...

now hard meat... that's something different...*insert another immature laugh* heeheehee

Blogger Amy said...

What about smoothies with protein powder?

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Yeah, I think I would go with the smoothies with like some protein powder.

I love me some beef though, so I guess I just got past the grossness. LOLOLOL.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

I am so with you on the gross meat thing. I do eat it but if I think about what it is...I have a hard time...I didn't eat meat for over a yr once...i also didn't take good care of myself & ended up sick from lack of proper iron/protein...

I have no advice about the break out though...meat is grioss though!


Blogger Lilah Mum said...

Egg, black bean, and tomato tacos are my favorite. Lots of protein. For the eggs, you can use more egg white if you want, and add just a little bit of cheese just for flavoring, but it's not really necessary. I put black beans on everything, and you know the old saying...beans, beans, they're good for your heart.....

Blogger Lisa said...

THat's a difficult one...Maybe protein shakes? Peanut butter? Can you still do cheese even though its dairy... What about soybeans and beans in general?

Blogger Lori said...

Ugh. Lean Cuisine (or any frozen, precooked meals, for that matter) are so gross. It's like they contain Mystery Meat.

Are you using benzoyl peroxide topically? I have found that Clean and Clear makes a fabby cream facewash that contains 10% BP. I use it twice a day and have been zit-free (off the Pill, even!!) for almost three months.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

I'm with Kami on having to cut the chicken up and "analyze" the shit out of it. I seem to teeter on the edge of "never eating meat again" most of the time.

We have a friend that will knock you down to get to and eat (GAG) beef or pork fat. I don't know why we love her.;)


Blogger Melanie said...

There is nothing worse than a bad piece of chicken. Ugh. Sorry though, no advice here. I still eat lots of meat, chicken, etc.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had some bad experiences with the meat in frozen dinners. I buy the ones without meat in them. I'm mostly a vegetarian. I haven't had beef in 10 years (don't really miss it). I eat pork RARELY. Mostly chicken but even that gets old after awhile.

It's probably the sugar that's breaking you out. I bought a generic Walmart brand tube of benzoyl peroxide for like $1.50 and it's helped with those little tiny annoying zits that I get from the sugar overload. It's got the same crap in it that Clearasil has in it for half the cost. And a heck of a lot cheaper than a trip to my dermatologist.

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