This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from Nap Queen. Make your own badge here.

Monday, June 05, 2006
Cute, huh?
So I changed my template. It was about time, I know. Thanks to Miss Zoot. Her templates are soooo cute. And I also know that the posts are down at the bottom. Eh. I'll get around to fixing that later. Right now I'm about to leave work and face 95 degree weather and a car with a black interior. Good times.

*Okay, the posts look right to me now. Let me know if something looks funky to you. I appreciate it :)

* I tried pasting my Flickr badge code into my template, and it moved my entire sidebar over to the left side. Why did it do that? Any thoughts or ideas?


Blogger TheStolenOlive said...

Cute template. Yes, Miss Zoot rocks.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the template change! Thanks for the kind words about my son-- he makes some great faces. And some great poop.

Best of luck with the Texas heat!

Blogger Sarcomical said...

VERY cute!

Looks great I love it!

Blogger Wendy Boucher said...

Very stylish new template. I love it!

Blogger TheStolenOlive said...

Is the HTML code for the Flickr badge "right aligned", is the width wider than the preset width for your side bar?

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Very cute. I likey.

Blogger Rhonda said...

It looks great. I have not seen Miss Zoot before, but I am looking at her templates now and I love them.

Guess, I will be changing my again.

Blogger Lisa said...

Pretty, pretty. Yeay YOU!

Blogger Me said...

Ooooo... I'm luvin' it!

(your template... not mcdonalds)

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Me likey.

Blogger Cara said...

Very cute template! I seriously need to update mine! It looks like your Flickr badge is working now - let me know if you still need help with it

Blogger Cheryl said...

Love the new template. One of these days i'll get around to changing mine too.

Blogger Liberal Banana said...

Hey there! Sorry I am like WAAAAY late in commenting on this post but life's been uber-hectic lately and I've resorted to reading blogs on my blackberry, which does not show the templates. It looks great! Very pretty. I'm viewing it on a small monitor right now though, and it doesn't all fit. ALMOST, but not quite. Could the dimensions be slightly smaller? Anyway, good stuff!

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