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Saturday, August 05, 2006
Shoes Anyone?
I found this at Karla May's and I've watched it about 5 times. I made my husband watch it twice, and now he's pissed because he can't stop singing it. It's very Kids in the Hall-esque, so if you don't like that style humor, you might not get this. And then I can't be your friend anymore:


You are welcome. Shoes.


Blogger Thomas said...

Hello from Seattle. I am originally from Houston and am a new lawyer. How did we never meet?

Oh my god that was hysterical!

Blogger Liberal Banana said...

Oh my god, that was so f*ing funny. And appropriate as I just bought two more pairs yesterday. Bitch!


Blogger The Old Lady said...

I have little doubt this will become Tammy's new theme song.

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I loved every second of it. I especially liked the hula hoop in flames. So funny.

Blogger Karla May said...

Look, don't thank me. Thank the seriously queeny guy I work with. He's the goddess who introduced me to Kelly. She's got a MySpace page, you know...with more songs.

Those shoes are mine, Betch.

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