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Wednesday, September 05, 2007
First Quiz and it Feels so Good
Yeah, I was totally singing Reunited when I typed that title. I had my first quiz this evening at school. I was a good student and read all the chapters, did my homework and studied. I got to class and our professor handed back our in-class assignment back from last week. We all got 100s because "we seemed to understand the concepts even if we missed a few questions." SERIOUSLY? I love this guy. And GET THIS. The quizzes are online AND multiple choice AND if you royally screw up you can see which answers you missed and RETAKE IT RIGHT THEN AND THERE. (See, even Doc can't contain his excitement.)

Well hot damn.

Had I known that I wouldn't have wasted a perfectly good Saturday night reading about Palettes and Measurement Tools and Layouts and BLAH BLAH BLAH. I keep forgetting this is Community College where they WANT you to succeed and not UT Business School where they really, truly, madly, deeply want you to fail. (See it gives the ILLUSION of serenity and caring, with the God-rays streaming through the trees, but it's really an evil place, ready to see you fail and cry.)

I like knowing that I'm going to do okay. And for once, I actually like what I'm learning about. Novel concept, huh?


Blogger Moi said...


Love that picture of the dog.

I had a prof like that in grad school. Of course, I was at SFA, so that should explain that a bit.

Blogger Bella said...

Way to go!

I can't imagine being in school taking classes you actually want to and enjoy no less.

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Novel concept indeed. And so wonderful!

Blogger Rhonda said...

Yeah for 100s! That is a very long tongue.

Blogger L Sass said...

As if I needed another reason, after his tenure as owner of my precious MN Vikings, to dislike Red McCombs...

Blogger Unknown said...

Yees hooooorah for you and your classes!!!!

I also see that you made your template you crafty little bitch!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Quizzes you can retake...almost makes me want to go back to school!

Love your puppy photo!

Blogger Angela said...

Now that seems like a class I can get into. Getting 100s? Retaking tests after seeing the answers? Say it isn't so!

Blogger Kat said...

Oh that is awesome!!!! YAY! :)

Blogger Elizabeth said...

I am a total fucking nerd so my time in school was like my fave time. I so need to get a damn life.

Blogger Lindsey said...

Yay for 100s! That is the best picture of your dog. I want my dog to make a face like that and actually capture it!

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