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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Grammar Pet Peeve
I grew up with an English teacher for a mom, so having my grammar corrected was a way of life. Not that my grammar is even close to perfect, BUT I'd like to share my HUGEST grammar pet peeve of the moment.

"Please call myself or Jane when you get a chance."

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! PLEASE, stop with the incorrect usage of "myself". In the above sentence you should be able to take out "or Jane" and have the sentence make sense.

"Please call myself when you get a chance."

Doesn't make sense does it? The correct answer is "me" not "myself".

"Please call me or Jane when you get a chance."

I know this is probably the most boring post ever, but I heard a man on the Today show this morning who used "myself" incorrectly about 3 times in one minute, and I was screaming at the TV (I need to get a life, I know).

Please don't hold this post against ME or my mom.

Edited 7am Wednesday:

Norman is correct in her comment. It should read "Please call Jane or me when you get a chance." Thanks Norm!!! But whatever you do people, don't use "myself"!!


Blogger Tammy said...

Reminds me of Austin Powers: Please allow myself, to introduce . . . myself.

Blogger Unknown said...

lmao at Tammy's comment

Blogger Nap Queen said...

One of my favorite movies BTW. I could watch the choreographed scenes over and over.

Blogger Nap Queen said...

Choreographed dance scenes, that is....

Blogger Taylor said...

Oh goodness...I wonder what you scream when you read my blog? LOL!

Blogger Norman said...

hehehehee... actually, it should read "Please call Jane or me..."

You should always put yourself second !!! BWWWAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAH

NORMAN the english freak

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scary! I'm usually the one that is given weird looks because I'm yelling at the TV for "no reason".

Blogger Rhonda said...

Totally agree with you. Also hate when people use "I" incorrectly. "Please call Jane or I when you get a chance." Stop trying to sound all fancy and just talk normal!

Blogger Kami said...

I am so with you.

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