
Thursday, December 08, 2005
New Car....Check!
So I did it. I bought the nicest car I have ever owned. A 2006 Honda Civic Coupe EX....5 speed of course! Here are some photos from the website:

Exterior (that's the same color I got):

Interior (I did not get the navigation system. After almost 30 years here, I think I know where I'm going):

I have to say, it is so fun to drive, and the sound system kicks butt! I'm still feeling queasy about the loan, but I'm weird about money. It makes me crazy.


Blogger Kelly said...

OOOOHHHH! Love the color! I'm jealous! I'm still driving my 1996 Honda, and I'd settle for a minivan! ARGH!

Blogger Book Bums said...

New cars are the best!

Blogger Kami said...

Ooooh, that's way cute! I love it!

Blogger Elizabeth said...

The dash is PURPLE. I love it. I am very jealous. Damn. I can't drive stick though, so you are safe.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats! Love the dash, looks like a spaceship.

wow that is so nice! You deserve it and enjoy your new car!

Blogger Unknown said...

Awesome. Way to go. I miss my Honda! Drive it well and safe.

Blogger Kat said...

New cars are the best!! That is one cute car! Love the dash! Enjoy!!!! :)

Blogger Lisa said...

Congrats! Yeay you! I really love the color too.

Blogger Caroline said...

Came across your blog from packof2's blog. I LOVE what you wrote in your profile about having great shoes. My partner and I got a kick out of that last night. I have a Honda Accord and LOVE it. If you've never had a Honda, you will soon grow to love them and you will not want to drive anything else. Congrats on your car.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

Sweet ride! The first new car I bought on my own was an Accord. My Mom bitched forever saying I couldn't afford an accord and what if I had to deal with repair bills. That car lived forever (I had it 12 years) and was the best car I've ever owned. I miss my honda. Good for you!


Blogger Isabel said...

Hooray for new cars...but NOT for new car payments.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

Wow, congratulations on your new ride!!!


Blogger Lori said...

Awesome! And a stick. I'm trying to stick (no pun intended) with makin my daughter learn it in order to get her licese. Especially since the available car is a stick.

Blogger Mama Duck said...


Congrats on your new baby!

Blogger Tammy said...

Fantastic. Congrats.

Blogger Melanie said...

Looks like a really fun car. Soak up that new car smell as long as you can!

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Rock on!!
when are you picking me up???

Blogger Mama Duck said...

BTW...I tagged you.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

Dude...get outta the car & tell us how you are liking it:)

Hope you are having fun in your new ride!!!


Blogger Fightin' Mad Mary said...

5 speed in Austin? You must be a good shifter...I'm too lazy for all that.

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