
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Back in Business
The weather finally cooperated today (it was gorgeous) and we were able to ride after 2 weekends off. We rode from South Austin to Buda to Creedmoor and back to Austin for a total of 24 miles.

I had my bike fitted (adjusted exactly to my body) on Thursday and it made a world of difference. The hills today weren't nearly as bad as they'd been in the past. I'm still slow, though, so now my goal is to try to strengthen my legs to get more power. On this ride, we passed an African animal sanctuary, so we saw emu and antelope which was cool. We also rode on a stretch of deserted road which was very reminiscent of Children of the Corn. Think no cars and lots of tall, dead vegetation along the fence line.

To make it even worse, on the side of the road there was a huge deserted tin barn with all it's windows broken out, but it was new enough to make you think someone still uses it. I half expected this man to walk out of the barn or come out of the fields:

We usually call that kind of area "Werewolf Country" because it just has an air of creepiness which would be the perfect setting for a movie. I usually ride just a little bit faster.

I have such a boring week coming up, so hopefully Desperate Houswives is new. DH, Intervention, and Celebrity Fit Club are my saving grace on Sunday nights. Sad.


Way to go on the 24 miles!

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

You make me sick. Can't you just sit on your ass and drink beer like me?

p.s. We passed about 25 bikers on 360 today and I kept looking to see if any of them were you!

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Bad news darlin, NO DESPERATE HOUSEIVES TONIGHT. That damn Dancing shit is on for 2 hours. I am just waiting for Grey's Anatomy.

Blogger Sheri & SuZan said...

24 miles...impressive!

Blogger Lisa said...

Congrats to you. That's alot of miles. My butt would be terribly sore from the bike seat if I rode even three miles. :-) I would need a big ole' granny butt seat.

Blogger Cara said...

Dude, why you gotta make me think about Children of the Corn while I'm home all alone? That's not right.

Congrats on the 24 miles! I probably walked about 24 feet today. ;)

Blogger Book Bums said...

Wow...I TiVo'ed all three of those! So why in the world I am blogging at this hour...?

Blogger pack of 2 said...

It's not sad that you watch those shows...at least you do get your butt off the couch & ride 24 miles...ya won't catch me doing that...LOL!

AND I love DH too...


Blogger Me said...

Laughed at Werewolf Country. Back where I'm from we had "Jasons House". ;)

Blogger Unknown said...

2 more miles and you can ride beside me in a marathon! Awesome!

Blogger Tammy said...

No Desparate Housewives last night. But Grey's Anatomy is NEW!

Blogger Tammy said...

Oh, and 24 miles. You rock!!

Blogger Kami said...

You are so awesome, man.

Blogger Unknown said...

Uh yeah, like when are they even going to start playing Desperate Housewives again?

Damn Olympics.

(ruffling pom pons) Gooooooooooooooooo Nappy!!!!

Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! I'm impressed. I had no idea you were a biker chick.

Blogger Kat said...

Way to go! 24 miles is awesome! Too funny about the children of the corn reference. :)

Blogger Michelle said...

WTG!! That is awesome. I took exactly one spin class at the gym. My ass couldn't deal with it.

Blogger Norman said...

ewww!! Malachi from Children of the Corn freaks me out!

WTG on the biking! I wish I could do that! It sounds so fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhh I JUST found Intervention. I really like it.

I miss having a bike. Pout.

Blogger The Egel Nest said...

Nappy Taffy -

Keep on Ridin'!

Thanks for stopping by the Nest and sending us nice baby wishes!


The Egel Nest

Blogger Isabel said...

Freaky picture!

Good for you on the bike ride. Is your butt sore? Because mine would be.

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