
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Weekend Update
The Blogger Blowout was great even though the weather sucked really bad. I had SO much fun meeting everyone in person. I definitely think we should make it a yearly thing. I hope everyone made it home safe and sound. (Dallas ladies: Did the outlet malls have anything good?)

Today the rockstar and I started watching the first season of Lost. (We recently got Netflix). I am sooooo hooked. I'm going to watch all 4 episodes today, and send it back tomorrow so I can get the next DVD. I'm also going to get all the Scrubs episodes since I didn't really see anything past the 1st season.

I inherited a chair from my grandma, and it was covered in a horrible yellow fabric. My sweet mom offered to get it recovered for me. I got the chair back yesterday and it looks GREAT! We have a sort of moroccan/indian thing going on in the living room and the chair fits right in.

We also bought a hot water heater today. Whoooopie! It was sad to walk through all the cool appliances at Sears knowing that we had to spend our money on one appliance you never see or actually use, but is REALLY important to have. Our current HWH is 33 years old and has so much mineral buildup, we can hear it in the house when it is refilling. It sounds like a rock tumbler.

Nothing much else going on here since the weather sucks. I just want to curl up on the couch and watch movies (or Lost).


Blogger R said...

Lost is a good series. u r already hooked :)

Blogger Sarcomical said...

ooh. LOVE the fabric on the chair. ;)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We blew through the whole first season of lost in a period of 3 days. Unfortunately, without television we now are forced to wait several more months before the release of season 2.

Blogger Kether said...

Glad you had fun! I missed you guys!

Blogger Unknown said...

Welcome back... I am current with Lost and it only gets better!

Blogger Tammy said...

It was so much fun Saturday! I am still worn out!

That chair is awesome!

Blogger Ruthie said...

I went through the first season of Lost really fast too. It is addictive. I don't have TV either, but I couldn't wait for the dvd of season 2 to come out, so I have resorted to downloading them and watching them via computer. It is still really good and I have seen all the episodes that have come on tv so far. :)

Blogger Cara said...

Love the chair- hand-me-down stuff rocks!

I haven't seen Lost, but perhaps I should.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

I love, love, love Lost. I got hooked last year during the reruns but then figured out that they were leaving episodes out so I waited for it to come out on DVD and had a two week marathon with it. Great show. Shelly hates it though....I don't get that.


Blogger Book Bums said...

I was in love with Netflix too. But then I started messing around with TiVo and he changed my life. I haven't returned Netflix's calls since!

Blogger Melanie said...

I got a new Coach bag at the outlet. Love it. Good to meet you!

Blogger Kami said...

I still love the chair!!!!

Blogger Kat said...

It was great to meet you on Saturday and I must say you've got some beautiful eyes girly! I'm still trying to recover, I'm hoping to stay awake all day... :)

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Love the new fabric on the chair!
Had an awesome time with you!

Blogger TheStolenOlive said...

Had a blast talking about Units and XXX Adult Onsies.

See you next year.

Blogger Me said...

I saw the photos!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Blogger Lisa said...

Cute new chair. Very cool fabric.

Blogger Norman said...

You're water heater is 33 years old?? DAMN!!! We get lucky in this town if they last 10 years! Sheesh!

We need to buy a new one, but I want a tankless one.

Sorry I missed ya'll this weekend - but I'm glad I didn't miss the weather!


Blogger Sheri & SuZan said...

We had such a good time Saturday! We all have got to do it again. It was such a blast meeting you.

Sunday, Sheri and I were feeling our age and had to go in search of hangover food to cure the ills.

BTW: Love the chair!

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Love that chair. the fabric is very cool :)

Blogger Unknown said...

Sweet Petunia...you use that hot water heater every day.

Next time you get bummed thinking about spending the money on it go take an icy cold shower to remind yourself of how that was $300 well spent!

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