
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I Love This Kid
She can always manipulate her way into bed with us. She's sneaky like that. Note the sunburned hand.


So cute!

And wow look at that sunburn!

Blogger Kami said...

Uh huh. Just like a human kid. ROTTEN!

Blogger pack of 2 said...

How could you not give in to that cute face?

So sweet!


Blogger Unknown said...

Wait till they start talking!

Blogger Unknown said...


We've been lured into that same situation before with children who demand to sleep in the "big bed"!

Blogger Rhonda said...

How sweet! We have the same problem with our two. We usually need up with all 5 of us in one bed.

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Pets are so like children.

Blogger Tammy said...

So cute!!! Rub the belly for me!

Blogger Kat said...

Puppy-wuppy!!!! Sooo cute! Please bring him with you this weekend! :)

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

You know I'm in love!

Blogger Kether said...

She is just too cute!

That sunburn sucks

(did I comment before on how great your bathroom turned out?)

Blogger Lisa said...

Awww. That is one adoreable baby!

Blogger Sarcomical said...

i love smooshed doggie-face. ;)

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