
Friday, February 17, 2006
Bush Quote Friday
This one speaks for itself:

"I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I can't answer your question." - In response to a question about whether he wished he could take back any of his answers in the first debate; Reynoldsburg, Ohio; October 4, 2000


Blogger truckdriver_sefl said...

The quote kinda speaks for itself huh? Enough said.

Blogger Sarcomical said...

ha! i remember that one. ;)

not exactly making any great impressions, is he? even now.

Blogger roxie said...

yeah and if you believe in nothing you'll fall for anything. what an IDIOT! ---holding out for 2008

Blogger Unknown said...

Kind of like stupid is as stupid does!

Blogger Kami said...

Ah, the Shrub. Our little bush.

Cara has some fucktard messing with her.

Blogger Lisa said...

Oh dear. THIS man is running our country. :-(

Blogger Liberal Banana said...

Ooh! I have the Bushisms calendar, too!

I quoted him on Valentine's Day about the OB/GYN thing on Riley's Ramblings, who posted about going to the "Hoo Ha Doctor." HA!

Nice to find a liberal Texan - glad I found your blog!

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