
Saturday, April 22, 2006
I Didn't Pee My Pants!
Perhaps you read my post about the radio spot I was going to do on Friday? Well, turns out it was recorded rather than live (whew!!) and is going to play butt-ass early on Sunday morning on Majic 95.5. It went really well, and I actually enjoyed it. When I got into work Friday after recording the interview, I sent the ride director an email thanking him for letting me do the spot with him, and to let him know what a wonderful person he is. Because he is SO wonderful. And here is his email response:

"You beat me to it. I was going to write and thank YOU. I can't tell you how proud I am that you are part of this Ride. Thanks for giving up your morning to be there, you did a PERFECT job. I wish I could just carry you around in my pocket for all the times I speak for the Ride! and YOU are the one who is making this happen!

I'll see you in a week! Yahoo! Thanks again Nappy!"

OMG, I about fell out of my chair when I read that because I want to carry HIM around in MY pocket. Sigh.

In other news, my sister and I went to see The Notorious Bettie Page which was FANTASTIC. Gretchen Mol did an outstanding job and DAMN that woman has a perfect body. She had to get naked quite a bit since Bettie Page did. I learned a lot about her---like she loved her some Jesus.

We also saw the trailer for Nacho Libre starring Jack Black as a Mexican wrestler. I cannot tell you how funny this looks. I actually almost peed my pants from laughing so hard during the trailer. It's from the writers of School of Rock and the producers of Napoleon dynamite. How can you go wrong with that?


Blogger Lisa said...

Yeay Nappy! Congrats to you...

I saw the trailor for that Jack Black movie last night too!

And saw the post about the woman who died. So very sad. My heart goes out to her hubby and family.

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Good for you, girlie.

As for your post below about that poor woman, how awful is THAT???? Her poor family - how can they even deal?

Blogger Lori said...

Good job on the radio spot!

I definitely want to see the Bettie Page movie. Glad to hear it was good. And I do love Jack Black!

Woo Hoo! I wish I was in Austin and could hear it...damn!

Blogger pack of 2 said...

See....we knew you could do it.

I just read your "Sad" post....how tragic. It breaks my heart.


Blogger Tammy said...

Wow. Good for you!!

And for the post below - that is why I hate people. If I were to run over a cat, I would stop and cry for weeks. How can someone do that and live with themselves?

Blogger SuburbanMom said...


(and I think there is a little crush thingy going on ;)

Blogger Fightin' Mad Mary said...

Congrats on the radio spot!

I'm so glad you went to see the movie!!!
Could you imagine being Gretchen Mol, pretending to be Betty Page AND having to strike all those poses, AND being half naked? She's a trooper!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is fired up for the Jack Black movie!

Blogger Kat said...

Way to go on the radio spot! :) Glad it went well!

Blogger Kether said...

Yes, Congrats!
My heart breaks for the bicyclists family.

I'm reading, haven't been commenting..

Blogger Kelly said...

Wanted to stop by to wish you luck in the upcoming ride! I'm so proud of you!

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