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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Booooo, Hisssss
So Katie Holmes had her baby. I told my husband that Katie and Tom named their baby Suri. His response? "I'm not so Suri about that name." GROAN.


Blogger pack of 2 said...

I don't like them...I mean HIM!

I agree with your husband on the kid's name.


Blogger Me said...

... and his favorite person in the world (Brooke) had HER baby on the SAME DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grier. I like both Suri and Grier. (Although I've always preferred the spelling Greer).

Blogger Kami said...


SO many comedians out of work...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kind of like the name Suri. I read that the meaning is Red Rose, or something like that. It's better than a lot of Hollywood names, I think.

Blogger Elizabeth said...

I just loathe him.

What sound is that? Yep, that sound is her hormones taking a dive way down into post partum depression. Sorry, Tom, she should have taken a vitamin and a walk. I mean, what the fuck is she thinking?

Blogger Speckledpup said...

yeah, we're all excited (yawn) about the tomkitten (yawn) here in Mid-Missouri...


Blogger Alli's Mom said...

Now....can the world function without being on TomKat baby watch? I guess we'll have to focus on the Brangelina baby watch now.

I'm not fond of the name either and I LOATHE Tom....I can't believe I used to think he was great (course that was when Top Gun was out and I was probably eight!)

Blogger Kat said...

I think it's Hebrew for princess or something.

Your hubs is funny!!!!! :)

Blogger Tammy said...

The good news is that she had it a hospital. And I bet she screamed a bit too. Take that scientologists!

Blogger Amy said...

Ha! Your hubby is funny!

I love unique names so the meaning makes it sound not so bad!

How ironic Brooke had her baby the same day!

Blogger Lisa said...

I almost hope Katie gets a severe case of PPD and tries to kill him or at least take the vitamins he'll try to give her and shove them up her butt!

Blogger Unknown said...

I don't know about that name.

I think it's too close to sari...like the Indian garb.

Blogger roxie said...

I can't believe it's a real baby, I was soooo sure it was a basketball.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I predict, as with most of the ridiculous celeb names these days, that the kid is in for some serious ribbing by the time she reaches school age.

Hurry Suri!
Furry Suri!
You're all blurry, Suri!
Are you made of curry, Suri?

Blogger Isabel said...

Okay, does it make me a huge dork that that joke made me laugh?

(It might be because I'm still pretty pissed at them for stealing my thunder. Jerks!)

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