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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Not So Fast, Gloaty McGloaterson
So after my "Look at How Lucky I Am" post, I came down with a nasty case of food poisoning from the fish tacos I ate after my doctors appointment and before my massage. Let's just say it wasn't pretty. Hmmm, Christmas miracle, indeed. That will teach me to call myself lucky or gloat or brag or whatever you want to call it. I don't think I'll ever eat another fish taco again, which is sad since I love them. On a good note, my sister and I rode 40 miles on Saturday (this was before the nasty food poisonising hit) and we only have one more weekend to train before the ride is here. I love riding, but I'll be really glad to have my weekends back. Plus, it was 95 degrees today which is not okay with me, especially when I'm riding 50 miles on a bike.


Blogger Unknown said...

That is why I dont touch fish. Period. Hope you feel better dude. Happy Easter.

Blogger Melanie said...

Ugh. That sucks. I love fish tacos!

Blogger Lisa said...

Uggh. Food poisoning is NASTY! So sorry to hear that you got yourself a case of it -- especially on what was such a wonderful day.

Blogger Me said...

... I've never had a massage but I have a gift certificate for one. I'm all nervous and crap! LOL.

Blogger Kami said...

Well, FP is good for a few pounds of weight loss, no?

Blogger Kat said...

LOL at Kami...

Food Poisoning sucks. :( Sorry to hear you had a run in with it. Congrats on the long ride - way to go! :)

Blogger pack of 2 said...

You must be in wicked shape to be able to ride that far. I once rode 22 miles & it kicked my butt:)

Good for you girl.


Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry about the FP!

I can't believe you ride that far. It was wicked hot yesterday and today and tomorrow.

Blogger roxie said...

Ahahahahaha, Gloaty McGloaterson, you kill me kid. It was an Easter Unmiracle!

Blogger Unknown said...


As if the fish tacos didn't sound bad enough going down...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had 'Fish Taco' poisoning before.

Not pretty.

Blogger Kami said...

So glad you just posted at my place. I heard about that cyclist getting killed on 360 today...

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