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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
WBW - Quick Break from the Break
I'm posting WBW photos because I love my mom so much. I don't have any pregnancy photos of her, but I have some other good ones.

Here she is at 8-years-old:

Here are my parents at a UT game in 1968 before they were married. I think my mom was 19.

Again in 1968 on the lake:

And sometime around 1977 with me:


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Awww, those are really awesome pictures!!!! :)

Blogger Unknown said...

Great pictures.. !

Blogger Me said...

Those are cool. Your mom looks so pretty too - a natural healthy 'glow' type person!

Blogger Tammy said...

Those are great!

Blogger Lilah Mum said...

Wow! That one where your parents are at the game - you look exactly like her!!!! Cute.

Blogger Kami said...

That pic of her at the UT game - her face is YOU. TOTALLY YOU.

Blogger Kat said...

Those are great pictures! Love the one of your mom on the boat! :)

Blogger roxie said...

So cute, I love her so much!

Blogger Lori said...

I especially like the one of her at 8. So cute.

Blogger Liberal Banana said...

Those are some great pictures! After all this nostalgia (so many people posting old pics today!) I'm going to search for some tonight!

Blogger Lisa said...

She's beautiful... Just like you!

Blogger Kelly said...

Your Mom is adorable! And you look like her in that UT photo!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful! What a great tribute to your mom.

Blogger Cara said...

Well, I guess after reading your comments I'm not the only one who totally sees the resemblance in that UT game photo between your mom and you. Great photos!

Blogger Isabel said...

Love the pic of your parents togehter then they were so young. Isn't it odd to think that our parents were young and in love at one time? Very odd.

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Your mama is so pretty and you look just like her!
thanks for sharing your wbw even on your break.

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