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Sunday, April 02, 2006
Overheard on Sunday Night
I was ironing some shirts tonight (you read right, yes, I said IRONING) during the Intervention commercial breaks and here's what transpired:

Husband: Are you okay?
Me: Yeah, why?
Husband: I mean, are you on drugs or something? (Which was kinda coincidental, cause I was watching Intervention.)
Me: Ummm, noooo, why?
Husband: Cause you're, like, ironing and cleaning and stuff (I also dusted earlier in the evening. That's twice in one week...TWICE. Plus, I cleaned out a few of the kitchen cabinets and THREW STUFF AWAY!!! In the trash can! Never to collect dust again!)

I'm on a roll people, so you better watch out. I ironed 5 shirts tonight, and if I can do that, who knows what I'll do next. Maybe I'll clean the grout in the bathroom with a toothbrush. Maybe.


Blogger Norman said...

OOOO!!! Are you NESTING maybe??!! LOL

And BTW - we have the same shirt....


Blogger Elizabeth said...

That is too funny.

If there is dust on the TV, the hubs thinks I am sick or something.

Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmmmm, sounds like my world months ago when a certain someone I knew was NESTING!!!!

Blogger Kami said...

Are you pregnant?

Blogger Caroline said...

You watch Intervention too?? I love that show. It's kind of like my everyday at work. Sometimes I feel it's like watching a train wreck.

Blogger Ruthie said...

Haha, I would probably get the same reaction.

Do people really start doing stuff like that when they are pregnant? I never knew, luckily!

Blogger roxie said...

you so crazy

Blogger pack of 2 said...

I HATE ironing!


Blogger Unknown said...


I have an entire closet full of SD's shirts to be ironed...you'll be here around say 6ish?

Blogger Me said...

Ironing... I think I recognize that word.


Oh yes! That's what I used to do before I taught Coffeehusband how to do his own dang shirts and pants! Bah ha ha ha.

Blogger Melanie said...

What? What's ironing? We don't have that here. Sounds like nesting to me....

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I was gonna go with the nesting thing too....

Blogger Lisa said...

If you are on drugs that cause you to iron and clean. Then I think you need to share them with the likes of me.:-)

Blogger Bookhart said...

It's a spring thang. I do it every year. I just polished the silver for the first time in months last week.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

I usd to iron for hours...now I try ot buy wrinkle free;)


Blogger Tammy said...

I think they call that nesting. Is there something you want to tell us?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ironing? Are you trying to give us lazy slackers a bad name?

Blogger Michelle said...

So where's the big announcement?

Blogger Kat said...

I think there's an iron in my closet somewhere...I think, I'm not really sure...it's been so long since I've seen it...

5 shirts? I'm impressed! :)

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