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Sunday, April 09, 2006
Taking a Break...
Not forever, just for a little while. Things are hectic right now, and I just need to take time to concentrate on other things. Be back soon.....(you'll be glad and surprised to know I dusted AGAIN this weekend. I think it's becoming a new habit.)


Blogger pack of 2 said...

Ok...we will miss you though.

Hope you get it all taken care of.

See you when you get back.


Blogger SuburbanMom said...

see you when you get back :)

Blogger Kami said...

Well, no.



Blogger Unknown said...

Enjoy....sounds fantabulous...

Blogger Kat said...

We'll miss you! Maybe if you didn't dust so much you'd still have time to come visit. :) hee-hee

Blogger Liberal Banana said...

How am I supposed to respond to you if you don't have a link to your email anywhere, Nap Lady?? :) Here's the info. on Panera Bread - but there isn't one within 50 miles of Austin, I'm sad to report. (I checked for you.)

Hope the hectic lifestyle ends soon so you can come back to bloggin'!

Blogger roxie said...

poop, no breaks, not allowed

Blogger Isabel said...

Breaks can be totally awesome. Here's hoping that yours will be.

(looking forward to hearing from you soon!)

Blogger Unknown said...

I have no where else to go!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll be here...

Blogger Unknown said...

have fun on your break

Blogger Lisa said...

Ohhh Yeay you. Dusted.

Hope the training is going well....

Blogger Tammy said...

Hope everything is ok.

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