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Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Let's Hope Not
Okay, you people, I'm not nesting or pregnant. I think I'm just messy and fed up with it. I'm sure I'll go back to my sloth-like ways once it's 100 billion degrees outside and too hot to even think about getting up and cleaning. I'd like to think I'm turning over a new leaf, but history shows that probably isn't the case.

Speaking of sloth, what do you working people eat for lunch? Because I don't have time (read: can't get my ass out of bed) to fix my lunch in the mornings (don't even tell me to make my lunch at night), I always end up eating a Lean Cuisine, Amy's or Smart Ones frozen meal. They are a good way for me to know just how many calories I am eating; instant portion control, if you will. Problem is, I don't eat the beef or pork meals, so my selection is a tad limited and I get bored (no, Santa Fe Rice & Beans, I'm not talking about you). When I get bored, I go and do something like what I did today. I asked my co-worker to pick me up some fries since she was going out to get lunch (thanks K!). Yum and Bleh at the same time.

So back to my original question. What do you working folk eat for lunch? If your answer is that you prepare a wonderful, home-cooked meal every evening and bring in your leftovers, don't bother commenting. I choose to believe people like you are a myth.


Blogger Liberal Banana said...

Dude, Sante Fe Rice & Beans is SO my favorite. Right on!

I keep a loaf of bread at work and mustard or ketchup in the mini-fridge we have.

At the beginning of the week I bring in a package of lunch meat or if I must, PB&J.

Then each morning, all I have to do is grab 1 yogurt, 1 or 2 granola bars depending on how I'm feeling, maybe a piece of chocolate (okay, usually a piece...or two...of chocolate) and fill up my water bottle.


I save all my dinner leftovers for the next night's dinner because I like to cook as seldom as possible. (Read: only when Boyfriend comes over.)

Blogger Lisa said...

Lean Cuisine has these really yummy spinache pizzas. I ADORE them. I used to do the LC's when I worked too. Also would keep yogurt in the fridge and tootsie rolls at my desk.

Blogger Lori said...

I like Progresso soup sometimes. I especially like their Tomato and Herb Tortellini soup. Loaded with sodium, but most soups and prepared foods are, so oh well.

I keep a loaf of bread and a jar of Jif peanut butter at my desk most of the time.

Sometimes I get 1/2 pound of turkey or ham from the deli counter at the supermarket and just roll up a few slices of that for lunch.

I also eat breakfast here because I'm lazy and can't face food early in the morning at home. On Sundays, I make a big batch of waffles with my Cusinart waffle iron, then stick them in a Ziploc bag and freeze them. Then on Monday, I bring the bag to work with me and have waffles for breakfast most weekdays. I keep a bottle of Log Cabin at my desk just for that purpose.

But sometimes I just have a few spoonfuls of Nutella, straight from the jar. Yummmmmm.

No offense, but I find the odor from most frozen entrees to be completely revolting when my coworkers heat them up in the microwave. Definite smell violation!

Blogger roxie said...

tee hee hee, you said "you're answer!"
I love the PB&J ideas offered above. As you know, I'm doing the LC/Amy's at my desk thing which I'm growing to despise...except for my new love Mexican Casserole bowl, YUM! For breakfast (which I can't bear at home either) I make a batch of oatmeal on Sundays which lasts through through Thursday and I slop some yogurt into a cup every morning on the way out the door. Full time job + mealtime = SUCK

Blogger Melanie said...

I could live off that Sante Fe rice and beans! I love that stuff.

Sorry, I am in sales so I eat something different all the time. The hubby keeps telling me to pack a cooler for lunch but I have this thing about eating sandwiches out of a cooler. It grosses me out. And if I can't heat something up then I don't have many choices.

Blogger Fightin' Mad Mary said...

well, I have a personal chef that prepares all my meals...

Gotcha! I do the Lean Cuisine too! Try the new Panini (sp?) sandwiches. The chicken club is delish!

We also have South Beach frozen meals here and they have been on sale lately, so I've tried a few of those. They're good, but NOT worth full retail price!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a loaf of WW bread, reduced fat swiss cheese, tomatoes, and chipotle mustard in the fridge here. Feel free to make yo-self a sandwich! Toast the bread and then put the sandwich in the microwave for a few seconds to melt the cheese. Es good.

Blogger Rhonda said...

I have the same problem. I only like one or two of the frozen dinners, plus the dumbasses who designed the kitchens thought it would be a good idea to put in giant sub-zero refrigerators w/ NO FRFEZER. WTF?

When I do cook and can bring leftovers, I usually forget them at home. I buy a lot of sandwiches from Swedish Hill--good, but costly.

Blogger Kami said...

What is this Santa Fe Rice and Beans you guys are going on about?

Blogger Tammy said...

Working people? What's working people? I have no idea what you mean by those words.

When I did have a job, I would eat a Lean Cousine (sp) pizza (you can get some without meat) and Yogurt. Or I'd just get out!

Blogger Unknown said...

The "working folk" (husband) in my house usually eats leftovers. When I'm wrapping them up from the night before I make him a small container for lunch. Then he'll add a brownie or something...b/c he can't be bothered to add something healthy like an apple or orange...but that's another issues entirely.

Blogger Elizabeth said...

I used to keep salad fixings in the fridge at work sometimes. Like bagged up chicken, salad mix, cukes, and little tomaters. Fat free dressing and there you go. It was nice to know I had yummy stuff if I just did not have time to go grab something outside of the office.

Blogger Lilah Mum said...

When I was in that area, working at another firm, I went over to Whole Foods and made a sandwich at the little salad bars(which had meat and cheese) and then bought a little bun - cost a little over $2. About the same as a frozen meal.....you could walk over there at lunch. You have to be careful about your portions over there, but you can still eat cheap.

Blogger Unknown said...

This working person is lucky enough to have Mrs Spikey who prepares lunch every night.. all I have to do is clean the mess up.
Of course, we are too damn healthy so no point in telling you what kind of salad... ;)

Blogger Isabel said...

Lean cuisine for me. Leftovers are myth at my place. Or I buy a salad at work.

Blogger Kat said...

I am a frozen food queen. When I can't be bothered to boil eggs for the week, I eat a South Beach breakfast wrap in the car on the way to work for breakfast. (they're actually good)

For lunch, typically lean cuisine, healthy choice, or smart ones. I'm not a huge fan of the stuff like you so I tend to find myself eating the same thing over and over. On occasion, like today, I threw some crap in a tuperware container on my way out the door. You know that pre-cooked already sliced refrigerated chicken? Fabulous. Those microwavale mashed potatoes? Even better! Just threw a little of both in and will heat up at lunch. :)

Other than that, on occasion I'll bring leftovers if I was lucky enough to get invited to my sisters for dinner or I'll go out with my coworkers. :) Oh, I do keep protein cookies I got from the gym in case I get an attack of the munchies, better than the crap in the vending machine. :)

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Shit, I can't answer. I don't go to work.
But I'll answer anyway...what about a quick sandwich place for lunch?
Screw that, go for Amy's!

Blogger Isabel said...

I am so in love with the lean cusine and WW pizzas. But only when I can find them for 8 for $10.00. Because that is awesome. And they are only like 8 WW points. I like to suplement them with an apple or orange.

I'm also into the lean pockets right now.

(I hate left overs. Hate them!)

Blogger Teacher lady said...

What a great question. And what great ideas. I love the Amy's Organic Cheddar Burito. I also bring a bag of pre-washed spinach (which is probably not really all that pre-washed but I try not to think about it), a can of chunk lite Starkist tuna (controversial due to the smell factor - I know!), and some low-fat Italian dressing. Lo and behold, the poor man's Salad Nicoise! Oh - also, Nature's Valley or Garden of Eatin' or one of those companies has a black bean soup (dried) that comes in one of those little cups. Not normally a fan of dried astronaut food, but that black bean soup is SO filling. Seriously. Almost like eating a brick. In a good way.

Blogger Robyn said...

yogurt works for me, but I like to have something a little more substantial than that. feels like i didn't eat if that's all I have. so a coupla carrots usually do the trick.

Blogger Ruthie said...

I have made my work kitchen into my very own. I usually bring a large bag of groceries to work on Monday and that will last the whole week. It usually contains all the fixins for salads. I don't buy the pre-cut-mixed stuff because I don't like most of that stuff in there. So yes, I bring a whole "head" (not iceburg so no head) of lettuce, cucumber, broccoli, carrots etc., some feta, some kind of saladie fruit like grapes and dressing. Then I take up lunch time washing and cutting all that stuff up to eat. It really doesn't take that long and I don't have any travel time to take up an entire hour. Then I eat it at my desk. I also keep other fruit and crackers at my desk for times during the day when the vending machine is sounding too tempting. Sometimes I also bring leftovers if salad doesn't sound good that day. Then of course sometimes I go out. I don't like frozen food for the most part. Freezer = ice cream. I also don't have time to do all this stuff at home in the morning and it would be yucky if I did it the night before, and what isn't a good time to waste at work?

Blogger Unknown said...

I take leftovers or pb&j; 2 water bottles; fruit; yogurt; poptart or oatmeal; and a soda (breakfast of champions).

I take the cooler to work and on occasion it gets packed the night before but usually it's a mad dash in the am.

Even if I forget lunch, I have yogurt or something left in the fridge at work.

Blogger Perstephone said...

hummus, pita and carrots are a fave lunch of mine.

while I was pregnant I had, pretty much every single day, port wine cheese, ritz crackers, and a cherry coke.

today I have a sandwich with turkey and LF cheese, baked lays and a bosc pear. yum!

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