We're supposed to post photos of ourselves in a favorite accessory that we wore over and over, but I don't have any good ones for this theme, so I thought it would be a good time to post this childhood photo of myself. I've been waiting for this moment. I'm wearing one of the strangest concoctions of accessories (the Go Fug Yourself ladies would have a field day with me), and it can only be described as "Happy Yet Disheveled Orphan Child with Kool-Aid Mustache".

Yes, you may thank me now.
Oh my, where to start? Are you wearing an afghan for a skirt? And it looks like you have a crocheted/knitted/macrame'd bikini top on. Priceless!
I bet this is one of those instances where you picked out your own clothes and your parents said "ya know what, if that's what she insists on wearing then just let her wear it." Hehheh. ;)
Ha I love it! You are such a cutie!
That is the cutest photot evah! I love it. My fave of your way back photos thus far...
Oh. My.
Dude. You were so damn cute.
That is frightening.
I played.
OMG that is hilarious!
"Happy yet desheveled orphan" That totally describes my daughter after I've picked her up from school. She's bouncing around, but her hair is all over the place in a ratty nest.
I played.
holy crap that is the best wbw I've seen yet
I played too btw
Best Picture Ever. It's my all time favorite!!!
I'm sorry...I have to second Cara...are you indeed wearing an afghan as an article of clothing?
You know the worst part? You're still cute!!! I LOVE that smile!
Can't.stop.laughing. Thank you for that...it was much needed.
Some pictures truly are worth a 1000 words. I will refrain and keep my comment short though. That's adorable! Look at cute little nappy! :)
Good luck this weekend!
you were stylin girl!
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