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Sunday, May 14, 2006
I Love You Momma
Happy Mother's Day to the best mom in the world. I love you!


Blogger Cara said...


Oh my god you look EXACTLY like this picture your mom! Gorgeous! :)

Happy mother's day - even if your babies are the furry kind ;)

Blogger Lori said...

Great photo. And yeah, you sure do look like her.

Blogger Tammy said...

I love that pic!

You and your mom could be twins. WOW

Happy Mothers day to all the mamas out there!

Blogger Chixulub said...

Isn't it amazing how far-sighted she was about hair styles: that picture is how old? And she's got her hair totally in style for 2006!

And she's a hottie!

Blogger Kami said...

DUDE. You look just like her!!

Blogger Norman said...

You look just like your mom!!!

Both of you are pretty!

Blogger Lori said...

Wow, that resemblance is uncanny!!

Lovely photo.

Blogger Kat said...

Wow, ya'll really do look alike! Great picture! Gorgeous!

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

OMG - LOVE her hair! she is such a cutie :)

Blogger Lilah Mum said...

Eerie. Just put your hair on her, and you are the same person. Woah.

Blogger Lisa said...

Wow. You look so much like your mom! Happy Mother's Day (belated) Oh Mom of the Queen!

She's so pretty. Love that pic too!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...twins, almost!!

Blogger roxie said...

Best Picture Ever, love it!

Blogger TheStolenOlive said...

Ok, yeah.. I'm slow getting around the blogblock this week.

Yes you look like your mama. I've been told I look like mine too. Although your mom's hair is totally in style.

Happy Belated Mother's Day

Blogger Isabel said...

What a great picture. And you totally look like your Mom. I love it!

Blogger Unknown said...

that's a beautiful photo!

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Do I need to say you are a spitting image of her?
You're both gorgeous!

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