
Monday, May 08, 2006
Weekend Update

Here's my famous weekend in bullets (yes, I know it's not really famous, but whatever, it sounds better):

* Saturday morning, went to SIL's graduation ceremony. Very.long.ceremony.

* Went to MIL's house for graduation party. Had a very nice time. Ate lots of seven layer dip. Saw hubby's grandma whom I ADORE.

* Came home to see trashy looking people looking at our neighbors house that is for sale. Was tempted to tell them the house is covered in lead paint or asbestos, but took the high road instead.

* Hung out with the dogs.

* Drove through the millionth storm of the past two weeks to get to my sister's house for movie night. Watched North Country and ate pizza. SO GOOD (the movie and the pizza). OMG men are pigs.

* Got home to find tree branch broken and resting on neighbor's roof. Crap. Hope they aren't shitty (we already know they're weird, but not sure about shittiness factor).

* Did some crossword puzzles and fell asleep about 1 am.

* Woke up at 10 am (hallelujah, no more ride training!)

* Drank coffee and ate some waffles.

* Did a ton of laundry.

* Organized all my filing.

* Still in my pajamas.

* Had more coffee and did more crosswords (yes, I'm addicted).

* Showered at 2 pm to go to a food bank volunteer day with my sister and dad. When we get there, they were done early, yippee!

* 4:10, get a message from best friend, H, who was in labor. Finally. She is five days late and HUGE. And uncomfortable. And really annoyed.

* Went to hospital and sat with her from 4:30 to 9:30. Watched Desperate Housewives in the hospital room.

* Came home and went to bed.

I still haven't heard from H or her husband about the baby and it's making me crazy! She started having contractions at 8:30 am on Sunday, and when I left at 9:30 pm, they were about 2 minutes apart, but she was only dilated 2 cm and the doctor was going to wait a bit to break her water. I'm dying to see that baby! I'm just sitting at work, sipping a latte and waiting to hear the news. Update at 9:05 pm! H's husband just called me. She just had a c-section and they now have a beautiful healthy girl weighing 7 lbs, 9 ozs. Yay!

On an unrelated note, I was talking to R (her husband) last night, who is a firefighter. His station was actually the first on the scene of that cyclist that died last month. She was alive when they got there and they did 45 minutes of CPR on her. Her husband showed up while they were working on her. R said he wished all his friends who are cyclists would get a new hobby. I can see his point.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Girl, DH made me pee my pants. The slow dude ratted his brother right the fuck out. His ass is grass.

And Bree dumping her son? Classic.

Congrats to your best friend H!

Sounds like a great weekend!

Blogger pack of 2 said...

For a person that is called Nap Queen....you sure get a lot of stuff done in a day..AND still have time to nap!

YAY...congrats to your friend on the birth of her baby!!!



Blogger Kat said...

Wow, sounds like quite a busy weekend! :) Hooray on the baby girl! :)

Blogger Unknown said...

That was the best DH in a LONG time.

And...Yeah for your friend and her new baby girl!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great weekend!! And yes...graduation ceremonies are VERY LONG. And boring. Trust me, I couldn't WAIT to get out of my own this weekend. (In fact, I bailed early...it was THAT bad)!

Blogger Wendy Boucher said...

Uhm, organized all your filing? What's that? Sure doesn't sound like weekend to me. Very Tuesdayish.

Unless you meant your nails.

Blogger Tammy said...

Yea for H.

Wait. Did I see something about "organizing my filing"? Shit girl. Work? On the weekend? :)

Blogger Lisa said...

Congrats to your friend.

And I saw North Country Saturday night too! Good movie.

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

OMG, watching your wife die in that way...how tragic!Everyday I see the white bike that was painted in honor of the woman who died at that intersection.
It's so sad.

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