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Friday, August 11, 2006
If You Know Fashion, Apply Within
The following is a totally hypothetical situation. I LOVE thinking up hypothetical situations. It's like role playing without the stupid skit. So hypothetically, if one has a meeting regarding possible employment at a certain establishment that displays art (but it's not a gallery) what would one wear? The person does not own a suit, and does not have the money to buy one, so that would be out. Here's what I would tell them to wear: black pinstriped pants, bright colored/trendy shirt, short black jacket, long beaded necklace, black pumps? Any thoughts, comments, suggestions?

Here are some more photos of my dog for those of you are interested:


Blogger Cara said...

Not that I KNOW fashion, but I would think that that would absolutely be appropriate.

Blogger Cheryl said...

That outfit sounds great to me. The pics of you and the puppy turned out great! I'm so jealous.. I want to get pics done. Maybe I'll get belly pics in another couple of months. :)

Blogger Elizabeth said...

I think the outfit sounds fab.

You look fab in that picture girl. I am mucho jealous of the eyelashes.

Blogger Lori said...

Sounds like a perfect outfit. Good luck, hypothetically.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds perfect. I think as long as you have the jacket and the pants you are theoretically dressed for an interview. Throw in the trendy top and necklace and you are adding a little of your personality in there and they like that. Sounds interesting. I want to hear more...

I like the one with you and the dog walking...so cute.

Blogger Rhonda said...

I think that would be fine to wear, but I have a couple of suits you can try on if you want to. (They don't fit me right now.) I will bring them to work Monday.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that advice would be perfect.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should channel Angela from PR and apply fabric flowers to whatever this person is wearing.

LOVE the photos! Fabulous-- you must be so happy with them!

Blogger Fightin' Mad Mary said...

I think you give great advice.
You might also want to have this person check some thrift/consignment shops. When I was a teacher I would buy most of my suits second hand - no one knew and I was the most stylish art teacher. (or so I thought at least!)

Blogger Kami said...

I think your outfit sounds great.

LOVELY photos.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To that outfit suggestion? I would say, "Well played my friend." Ha! Bet you've never heard that one before!

And your dog is beautiful... were those photos professionally done! They're really gorgeous!

Blogger Unknown said...

I think that outfit would be completely appropriate...possibly even more-so than the suit given the type of job.

Blogger Tammy said...

I got nuthin with fashion. However, I'm sure you looked great.

Details, please.

Blogger Bart said...

I watch "What Not to Wear" on a regular basis so I AM an expert.

Sounds like a great choice to wear.

Love the photos

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Just an excuse to go to Ross if you ask me...
but otherwise the outfit sounds perfectly fine.

The outfit sounds really nice and definitly appropriate!

The pictures of you and the puppy are awesome!

Blogger Melanie said...

I think the outfit sounds faboo. I would think that some type of gallery place would be less business suit like and more trendy like.

Blogger Kat said...

Such a cute doggy!

Blogger fin said...

What a sweet pooch!hs

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