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Friday, September 15, 2006
I'm About to be Sick
HOLY CRAP I JUST PUT IN MY TWO WEEKS NOTICE! In the past three days, I got an interview, got an offer and accepted job. I think I'm going to dance a jig and barf all at the same time.


Blogger Lori said...


Hopefully this will be something you find more rewarding and without the um, exciting, work environment (your ceiling 'friends')

And remember that even though it's scary, change is good.

Blogger Lilah Mum said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! WHAT JOB? I want to hear. How exciting.

Blogger Me said...

Can't wait to hear about this!!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG totally YEAHHHHHH!! Congratulations!! That's so exciting, although I have no idea what job it is. Can you share the details please?!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I can't wait for the details. Congratulations!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Crap Girl...

I've NEVER gotten an interview and an offer as quick as that! Good work!

Hope it's what you're looking for!

Blogger The Old Lady said...

Great for you!!! Crappy for me left behind!

Blogger Unknown said...

Amen, sister.

Congrats on abandoning the Titanic...or S.S. Minnow as the case may be.

Blogger Lisa said...

YEAY! SO excited for you. YEAY! I'm doing a happy dance FOR you!

Blogger Lori said...

YAAAAAY! Congrats -- I'm really excited for you!

Change is definitely good. And sometimes we just need a new frame of reference, so instead of thinking "fear" or "anxiety"--think "anticipation" and "excitement." Because they all provoke the same physical sensations.

/new age rambling.

Best of luck!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck sugar
I'm pullin for you

Blogger Unknown said...

Run away! Run away!

Blogger Thomas said...

Hello from Seattle.

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Holy shit! that is amazing!

Blogger Isabel said...

This is great news (although I can totally see how come you're freaking out).

Good for you and good luck.

I can't wait to hear more about it!`

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

I think I've done that before...
danced and barfed.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! Congratulations!

I don't know how I didn't see this post earlier.

Do you have to move?

Can you get me a job? hehe

Blogger Norman said...


and a little secret for you?? My husband is being recruited by the same company for the second time this year for a job down in YOUR neck of the woods!! (Boerne) Maybe we'll be semi-neighbors!!


Blogger Fightin' Mad Mary said...

Come on already, when are you going to post a follow up?!! I'm dying to hear about your new career adventures!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Wait until after the champagne to get sick.

Hope the job is going good, I miss ya around here!

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