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Thursday, August 17, 2006
My Little "Meeting"
So I had a "meeting" at noon today. I think most of you know about it. I have to be kind of vague about it. I dunno. It was okay, not great. I wish I could learn not to babble. My head is telling me to SHUT UP, but there goes my mouth, "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH and did I mention BLAH?" The woman was soooo nice, and the vibe was really good. I left with a decent feeling in my gut about everything, except she didn't ask me for my references which I take as a bad sign, and we didn't discuss the most important thing, you know, the stuff you need to pay for things? They did ask me about availability, so I guess that's good. I'm going to send out my thank you notes today, so they will arrive tomorrow. I fully believe that things are meant to be, so if it doesn't happen, then there is something better around the corner. Bonus: I walked 8 blocks in my new 3 inch heels and they didn't hurt my feet!


Blogger Kat said...

Okay, I heart those heels.

Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!! :)

Blogger Cindy said...

Good Luck.
I also heart those shoes!

Good luck, I hope it works out for you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the painless shoes will bring you good luck.

Blogger TheStolenOlive said...

Good Luck. Love the shoes.

I wore my nice suit today, because I had to go get my drivers license renewed this morning and I wanted a decent picture. When I got there the first word out of everyone's mouths was... "have a 'meeting' this morning"?

Blogger Cara said...

Good luck! I'll definately be thinking good thoughts for you!

Those are lovely shoes although I can't imagine that I could ever subject myself to heals that high or toes that pointy. 'Asides, my foot grew like a size and a half after Payton so they would look like total boats on my feet!

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Loving the shoes.

I am gonna do a "vague meeting" dance for you this evening.

I don't bust those out for just anyone, girl.

Blogger Kami said...

Oooooh, cute shoes!!

Blogger Lori said...

Ditto, EXACTLY, on Kami's comment.

I will say that even if we lurve someone, we ask for their references after the first interview.

***fingers crossed for you*** (you know I'd say legs crossed too, but that might be too hard) heeee

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been to a lot of interviews where no one asked for my references then but asked later. Some places hired me even though they never asked for my references.

Also I've never been asked about salary requirements at the first interview. They will probably ask you back for a second one.

Blogger Me said...

I wouldn't worry about the references not being asked... many never even call on them anymore. Besides, if they want to, they have them on your resume. My current position never asked about them nor called. They loved me and didn't care about references! LOL.

(I bet your shoes knocked them out... they'll be discussing that 'really talented young woman with those fabulous shoes!!!)

Blogger Leska McCall said...

Nice shoes!
I wish you well.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm going to jump on the fabulous shoes bandwagon--I love Target ever so much. They have a fabulous costume jewelry selection also!!

And of course, good luck with the meeting--I hope you hear back what you want to hear, and sooner rather than later!

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

It is a blessing to find hot heels that don't kill your feet!!

Blogger Lisa said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty AND comfortable? Sign me up. Good luck with the other stuff but really, if you have good shoes, you have a lot already.

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