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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
You Stink, Revisited
Grown men should NOT (and I mean NEVER) smell like baby powder. NOT. EVER.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. That is creepy and wrong.

Blogger Rhonda said...

Oh no! Not ever ever ever.

Blogger Kami said...

No. Not okay.

Blogger Kat said...

Ewwwww. Just Ew!

Blogger Unknown said...

Never never?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I can think of a few smells that are worse on a man than baby powder

Blogger Tammy said...

That is wrong on so many levels.

Blogger Weezie said...

I know who stinks!!! Man, I hate that smell too.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he accidentally grabbed his girlfriend's deodorant?

I had to use the Boyfriend's once. I couldn't stand it. I smelled like him all day.

Blogger Norman said...

we're you hanging around Michael Jackson?

Blogger pack of 2 said...



NEVER is that the same stinky guy as before?

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Um, well yeah.

Hi, pedophile.

Blogger Isabel said...

Really? I love that smell.

Blogger Unknown said...

I agree. Icks me out.

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