*We feed two of our cats in the garage and for the past couple of weeks, they seemed to be hungry all the time. The other night I went out to do laundry, and this is what I saw. Yeah, I think he's living in our garage:

*I found the most BAD ASS t-shirt on sale at Target tonight. Oh yes, I will be wearing it. I loves me some Bon Jovi:
*I also got a new pair of brown pumps at Target. They are comfortable AND cute!
*We leave for the coast on Wednesday, and I made a horrible mistake. I didn't even THINK about my monthly visitor. Um yeah, it will be there at the exact time we're on vacation. WHY? This is the second time I've done this.
*So far, I love my job. It's overwhelming, but not so much so that I want to come home and cry. Even my husband says I don't seem so down after work. I love that I have an office with walls and natural light. Everone is so nice and patient with me.
*I ate a TON of halloween candy tonight and loved every minute of it. Yum. I think I'll go have some more.
*I've been watching Father of the Bride 1 & 2 today. I forgot how much I like those movies. I also watched most of season 2 of Felicity this afternoon. I love, love, love that show. Scott Speedman (Ben) is HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT. Damn, the scenes where he's sleeping with the married caterer....wow. He's yummy.
*I have been seriously slacking on the walking and working out. That week I took off between jobs really screwed me up. I should have walked everyday. Instead, I slept in til 11 everyday. I have to admit, it felt really good. I mean REALLY good. I got to watch Y&R and DOOL. I loved staying my pjs until after noon.
That's about it right now. Let me know what you've been up to!
Seeing your little cat-food-eating visitor makes my stomach turn. Ugh I hate them. Saw a dead one on the side of the road yesterday. Much better than one in my garage!
I didn't even think about the 'visitor' until my friend who had gotten married the year before asked me about it. Thank god she did ask, or I'd have been reeeeally mad about having it during my wedding and honeymoon.
And now... I have to get me to target and look at some rock tshirts!
Hey, I was wondering if you had run away or something!
Ummmm, that freaky little thing in your garage is icky. We had one of those creep up to our sliding glass door in Oak Hill to see what we were up to one night. Ewwwwwwwie.
that animal even grosses me out a little.
but dontcha love Target? cute shoes!
I can't believe you had the balls to get a camera. Seeing that would have scared the bajesus (sp?) out of me. And if you're on the pill, you could just skip your monthly visitor...
That's so cool about your job too.
Yea for liking your new job.
That thing in your garage is HUGE and scary looking!
Just don't take a week off from birth control -- it is perfectly safe and effective.
Glad the job is better, but I couldn't imagine it would be worse. Let's have lunch soon.
Good to hear the new job is great. And gah on the monthly thing. I know what you mean.
And the critter in your garage... Did you send a cat to chase after it and set up the video camera. Me thinks that would have been quite an interesting confrontation. heehee
Cute shoes! That's an odd looking cat you have there.
Are you on the pill? Just skip the last week and start a new pack.
Miss Ya! Glad new job is going well! Maybe I can work out taking off time in between jobs, once I figure out what job I am going to and when!!!!!!!
Gotta go. I"m headed to Target for cute shoes!
I do the three month pills. Just take the first week of your next set and then deal with it when you get home. :)
Aw, lookit the cute possum! In school, I would leave food out for neighborhood strays, only to watch raccoons and possums eat it all.
Love the shoes!
Love the pumps! We have possums who eat our cat food, too, though the biggest culprits are raccoons who wash the food in the water dish and make it all muddy. Yeeecchh!
Very cute pumps! and we have racoons visit us every night - they totally harrass our cats.
I hate those things, they are so ugly! And I too, am headed to Target to get one of those shirts! And maybe some cute shoes too.
That's a pretty damn ugly cat you got there. I guess he was a shelter find? ;-)
They won't bite. They would rather play dead and hope you would leave them alone.
Love the shoes too but as rough as I am on shoes I'd break that heel in no time.
What the HELL is that in your garage?
I love those shoes.
And hey, don't even sweat chilling on your vacay. That is what they are for - sleeping in and watching crap tv.
Halloween candy...yummy!!
(and that scary animal is um...scary!)
Ok, this weekly posting is just not gonna work for me.
Your question might be "And I care why???"
Hey, it's the 24th.
Just sayin.
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