I'm physically and mentally exhausted right now. My husband is dead asleep, one of the dogs is snoring as loud as a human and I can't sleep because I'm already freaking out about flying on Monday. I hate flying, and I really HATE that I hate to fly. I wish I loved it because I love to visit new places and see new things, but it's the GETTING there that is the problem. I have flown to Europe and Mexico multiple times, and Canada once, not to mention tons of US cities, so I can make myself do it, but it doesn't mean I won't cry while it's happening. OR feel like I'm going to have a heart attack because my heart is racing faster than it should. I have to go to bed about 8 pm tomorrow (actually today) because I have to get up at 3 am on Monday (6 am flight), so I need to be asleep as I type this, but I just can't make the thoughts shut off or my heart stop pounding in my chest.
And then there was the horrible Brazilian plane crash yesterday. I feel so bad for all those families and loved ones. It's just horrible. Terrible. Don't even want to think about it, but of course I read every little detail in the news articles because I can't NOT read them.
Also, don't even think about giving me the GD statistics about car accidents vs. plane crashes because A) when you're in a car accident, you don't fall 1000s of feet out of the sky going 100s of mph and B) everyone who's been in a plane crash woke up the morning of their flight and thought they would be fine. It's not about dying, it's about being up so high in a huge, hulking piece of metal. Sorry for the negativity, but I'm not okay right now. There's nothing that's going to make me feel better other than landing safely in Chicago. THEN I get to do it all over again on Tuesday.
And then there was the horrible Brazilian plane crash yesterday. I feel so bad for all those families and loved ones. It's just horrible. Terrible. Don't even want to think about it, but of course I read every little detail in the news articles because I can't NOT read them.
Also, don't even think about giving me the GD statistics about car accidents vs. plane crashes because A) when you're in a car accident, you don't fall 1000s of feet out of the sky going 100s of mph and B) everyone who's been in a plane crash woke up the morning of their flight and thought they would be fine. It's not about dying, it's about being up so high in a huge, hulking piece of metal. Sorry for the negativity, but I'm not okay right now. There's nothing that's going to make me feel better other than landing safely in Chicago. THEN I get to do it all over again on Tuesday.
Add me to the list... hate it. I pray upon take off. Pray upon turbulance. Pray upon landing. LOL.
You know - if you hate it that much you could get a prescription from your doctor to take something right before you board to calm your nerves.
I hate flying too. Although it's the fear that I have no control over what's happening that freaks me out(like you do if you're driving), but it's the lack of control that sort of calms me a little bit. If you have no control, why stress about it? I say that, but I usually grab as hard as I can onto the arm rests and close my eyes while I chant, "Please don't crash, please don't crash."
I love to fly but I understand the anxiety about it and the fear. I really will myself not to think about the what ifs, but yes I agree it is scary as hell when you think about it!
Have a great time in Chicago!
Have a great time on your trip!!!
You know, the only part of flying that I find absolutely cringe-worthy is the take off and landing. I'm not sure why exactly, I guess I just feel like if something were going to go wrong it would be during those parts. Well, and the fact that once we're flying at altitude I can usually completely forget that I'm even flying and fall asleep... Just bring some Dramamine and knock yourself the hell out! Have fun in Chi-town!
Wow. I hope the flight went ok. And I hope the trip is good. Am thinking of you lots.
I'm getting nauseus as I'm reading this. Where the heck is my dramamine?
I'm sure you made it okay and are partying your ass off.
Remind me to never fly with you anywhere. I'd be freaking out and you'd be freaking out. We would for sure get shot by that undercover cop. Damn...
And safe you did land! I'm bummed we didn't catch up but I promise I'm trying to make my way home here in the next month or so...
No statistics from me, kiddo. Flying just freaks me the hell out. I don't take medication for stress or anything...EXCEPT when I fly. It's either that or drink and no one likes a seat next to a scared drunk. I'll send up a little prayer for you.
I think I like the *idea* of flying...but yeah, flying itself pretty much sucks.
I feel your pain about flying. My saying is it aint the dieing I sweat its the 10 minutes we fall knowing we are going to die. I was on a plane hit by lightning once, yes, that will be my last flight.
I have drivin to cali a time or two, vegas several times and canada more'n I can count since. When I drive I am in control, and if sumthin goes fubar maybe it will be quick and painless.
no flyboy here
Didnt hear about any plane crashes in the US so I figure you are all good! :)
PS. I love to fly and perhaps that I have actually flown a plane myself helps.
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