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Saturday, December 17, 2005
I Promise I Didn't Get Abducted...
Nate thinks that I have been abducted by the "spirits of the season"....good guess, but no cigar. I have pretty much felt like dooky all week, and was out sick from work on Thursday and Friday. The doctor said it was a viral infection (isn't that fancy talk for a cold?) and possibly an ear infection. I'm feeling much better now. Maybe it's because the tile was installed this morning, and we're going to have our bathrooms back by the end of the weekend? Or maybe it's because I slept almost 13 hours 2 nights in a row? Anyhoo, I really want to read everyone's blogs, and I miss reading them, but I just haven't felt up to doing much of anything. I'll hopefully be back to commenting really soon. I think the lesson is this: Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. I wished for a nap, and I got LOTS of sleep from being sick.

Edited at 6:10 with photos of the tile:

Front bathroom (yes that's the potty hole in the floor). The new vanity will go under the mirror you can barely see on the right side of the photo.

This is looking from the back bathroom into the "shower room". Yes, those are our toilets in the shower. Unfortunately, I don't have "before" photos on this computer, but trust me, it's a huge difference.


Blogger C. W. Karl said...

You are beautiful!!!

Greetings from Argentina..

Blogger Kami said...

I was wondering! Gah, looks like you have an admirer there.

wow it looks awesome! I was wondering where ya have been!

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

I hope you keep feeling better and better! and that floor is amazing. I love it.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

YAY!!! There you are.
Sorry you are feeling crappy...but at least you will get all the napping out of your system...nah...we gals love to nap too...I never get tired of doing it!

feel better soon!


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Love the bathroom. Glad you are feeling better.

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Ohhhhh! Pretty!

The bathroom, not you! ;)

Ummm, is that white cabinet from Target? We have that in our Austin house and practically had to bolt it to the wall b/c the hardware they gave us was so skimpy.

Blogger Nap Queen said...

We actually got it at home depot. Fully assembled out of the box, and it is anchored to the wall. I doubt we'll change the look of the bathrooms before we move again, so it will be up to the next owners to remove it if they want to!!

Blogger Tammy said...

Wow. It looks awesome! Sorry you are feeling bad!

Blogger Unknown said...

Do I know you?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to know you're okay. I'm nursing a lost voice and an achy cold body after that game Sunday night. Any recommendations, other than a nap?

Blogger Nap Queen said...

Nate, sleep cures all. Sleep, sleep and more sleep. And thera-flu :)

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

I miss sleeping.
Hope you are feeling better.

Blogger Kether said...

That's the exact color scheme of my kitchen. Same wall color, black and white checked floors.


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