
Saturday, December 10, 2005
My Babies, Yet Again
Here are the darlings sunning themselves this afternoon:

Here are two of the cats (I think they feel left out because I never talk about them). Sasha (on the right) is Sonja's (on the left) mom. They are making biscuits on each other's stomachs. It is so sweet when you see it happening:

This is Diabla (Blabs for short). She was given to me by my sister. Diabla terrorized my sister's other cat, so I took her. I LOVE this cat. She has fur like a soft bunny:

Last but not least, here is a little Texas critter I found in the garage this evening whilst doing laundry. My stomach always lurches when I see these:


Blogger Caroline said...

Great pictures of your cats and dogs. But the last picture kind of freaks me out. I hate insects of all kinds. I will do anything (I mean anything) to get out of killing a spider or anything else.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

Ewww...gross I did a post about those Texas rocahes...they freak me oout.
Your dogs are so cute & the picture of the cats is too funny!

I hope you are lovin the new car!!

Blogger Me said...

You could put a leash on that last one and take it for a walk!!!

Blogger Kami said...

So, just for the record, that last one isn't one of your babies, right? Eeek.

You have beautiful children. I miss my kitties making biscuits on me!

Blogger Tammy said...

Yea, mine too!

LOVE the pic of the kitties kneading their tummies together. So sweet!

Blogger Unknown said...

Pass the Dristan please

Blogger Kat said...

Love the kitties and puppies, but could've gone all day without having to see a roach. ick. :)

What cute babies you have except for that last icky creature in your garage. That makes my stomach turn as well!

Blogger Lisa said...

I LOVE seeing pics of your babies. They look very loved and happy. They are so sweet and adoreable. If I could, I'd let the dog sleep in the bed and the hubby would be on the floor. heehee.

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

oh my god - what is that!!!????

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

awwww, the cats are so sweet!
Now I'd take a roach over a scorpion ANY day!

Blogger Melissa said...

That 2nd picture of Sasha & Sonja is hilarious. I do that same thing with my fiance sometimes. :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

GAH! You should have warned us about that nasty bug! Ew! The cats are SO cute :)

Blogger firedancerdancin said...

napqueen--i remember reading about your jewelry making endeavor and had a question for you. is there anywhere i can email you at? or can you send me a quick email at firedancer_dancin@yahoo.com ? Thanks!

Blogger zuhn said...

Um, why aren't your cats doing anything about those Texas roaches?

Also, I'm so glad to have stumbled on here because a) napping is my favorite hobby and b) buying shoes comes a close second.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me thinks mizz Lohan-Farr has been abducted by the spirits of the season.

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