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Thursday, December 29, 2005
Last MIL Post Until 2006
I thought I'd take a break from my bathroom remodeling woes to share a nice little holiday nugget regarding my MIL. I mean, who doesn't love a good MIL story?

This year, she decided that she was going to have Christmas lunch at 2. GREAT! That means that we would have Christmas morning/breakfast at my parents' house with plenty of time to get to the MIL's house by 2! Yippee! Things are working out for once.....

Silly, silly me!! What was I thinking??

I got an email from the MIL a week before Christmas asking if we could get to her house by 10 am. Wait. Are you confused? I sure was. I wrote her back and said that, no, we couldn't get there at 10 because we'd be opening gifts at my parents house.

She writes back, "Well, we're having lunch at 2, and all the non-family guests (i.e. her best friend and her sons) are arriving at 1, so I though it would be nice if we could open all the gifts before they arrived." Yes, MIL, that is a fabulous idea. But when you tell me lunch at 2, I don't immediately think to myself, "Self, we better get over there about 10 in the morning."

We ended up getting to my parents house about 9:30, and after breakfast and gift opening, we left about 12:30.

Holy crap. We were seriously late. I knew we were in for it.

We called to let the MIL know we were on our way, and were told "You sure aren't leaving us much time to open gifts???." Whatever.

It ended up being fine. We did speed gift opening and we got some really generous gift cards which will help around the house.

But, really, what Christmas would be complete without some comments about my husband from his mom?

THREE TIMES, yes, THREE TIMES my MIL told me how it annoys her that my husband doesn't bring his own alcohol to her house. How it makes her feel uncomfortable when he drinks other people's wine....Okay, crazy bitch, I think YOU'RE the one drinking everyone's wine. He wasn't drinking that day, and he never drinks other people's wine?? In fact, my husband rarely drinks at all, and when he does, it's one beer. If I buy wine, sometimes he'll have a glass, but that's about once every 2 months. It was such a strange thing for her to be harping on? And it was especially weird since SHE WAS OFFERING ME OTHER PEOPLE'S WINE. I finally said, "Well, I don't think he was planning on drinking, so he didn't bring anything."

Her response?

"Yeah right."

Now I need a glass of wine.


Blogger Kat said...

Wow. I am sooooooooo happy to be single and not have to deal with a MIL. :) Lunch at 2, but be here by 10? Yeah, I wouldn't have seen that one coming either. Usually when I invite people to my house for a party or festive occasion I provide the alcohol - at least the essentials. You poor thing. :)

Blogger Melanie said...

I swear they do stuff like that to test our patience. Thankfully I get along better with my MIL than I do my own mother.

Blogger Isabel said...

That is odd that she would harp on her own son. You are a good wife to stand by him!!!

Having to split the day between both families is hard. You would think the MIL would be mindful of that.

Happy New Year!

Blogger Danielle said...

MIL's suck. It's so hard to have to sit a listen to their nonsense.

Blogger Tammy said...

Perhaps a bottle of wine. To bust over her head. :)

Blogger Kami said...

Wait. You're not supposed to drink wine at a host's house? I did not know that.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

Seriously, your MIL sounds like a nut.I guess you can be glad that she doesn't live with you...SHE ISN'T moving in with you RIGHT???



Blogger Nap Queen said...

Kami - Yeah, especially your own son? I know my parents wouldn't care a hoot if I drank their wine at a party. It's some weird control thing.


Blogger Lisa said...

I feel your pain and frustration. My sis in law came into town for X-mas. And my MIL took a few digs at her as well as at my hubby. I sort of phase her out so I don't know if she took any swipes at me. I get a bitchy voice mail now and again, more so than anything else.

But she shoulnd't wonder why her daughter lives 10 hours away and only comes out once ever few years for a 48 hour time period.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

Your MIL is a fucking piece of work, isn't she? Good lord! I am so lucky that my MIL is almost as cool as her daughter and I can sit and talk to her for hours and it feels like talking to one of your good friends.

Thank you MIL Gods for giving me the one that I got!!!!!!


Blogger Kether said...

Ok I just read your profile and I cracked up out loud when I read that you can't keep your house perfectly clean, but damn if you don't have great shoes. That is SO me.

I think it would be weird if you traveled with your own wine to parties. It would seem like you didn't expect the host to be prepared for guests.

Blogger suzspeaks said...

WOW!!! She sounds like so much fun!!! Do you get to see her again for New Year's Day?!?

I am just going to say BIOTCH!

Wow how weird and that is her son! I have a very similar MIL!

Blogger Unknown said...

Its weird. I actually get along with my MIL! It's my own mother that drives me to drink!

Blogger Isabel said...

Sorry to hear about your MIL. Mine is a fruitcake too. She tried to change plans on me during Thanksgiving.

Blogger Lori said...

Gee I didn't know it was poor form to drink wine at other peoples houses. Miss Manners will be coming by with a 2x4 to smack me upside the head soon, I fear.

What is up with that? I often will bring a bottle as a hostess gift to family gathering. I mean maybe if the hubs drank some obscure thing, then sure bring your own. But wine?

Blogger Lori said...

Oh yeah, Happy New Year, but remember to bring your own champagne ;)

Blogger roxie said...

that makes ME want a glass of wine...jeez, louise!

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