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Thursday, December 29, 2005
Letter #2 to the Handyman Company
Before you read my second letter, keep in mind that I used a national company that is insured and bonded. This is not a fly-by-night, small time operation.


John Doe #2 came over this morning to resolve some of the issues I detailed in the email I sent on 12/27/05, and although he was very nice and willing to help, the work just isn't what we were expecting from a professional.

He anchored the vanities to the wall, and he did some custom baseboard cutting around the vanities which looks nice, but most of the baseboard corners are still poorly done. Instead of two pieces of wood coming together at a 45 degree angle, there is about a fourth of an inch gap full of caulk. Multiple times we have been told that if we just paint it, you won't be able to tell. The point is, I want it done correctly. I don't want to cover up the problem with paint. Also, no one offered to fix the vanity shelf that was poorly cut. It was suggested to my husband that he sand it and fill in the marks with a wood marker. Again, John Doe #1 created the problem, therefore we shouldn't have to fix it. I have attached photos of the baseboard corners and the vanity shelf.

I do not want anyone else from the Handyman Company to try and fix these issues, but I do want my money back for the amount it cost to install the baseboards. If this is a problem, I will be forced to take more serious action such as filing a complaint with the BBB and your national offices.

Your craftsmen are very nice and polite, but the work is amateur at best.

I would prefer communicating through email, so that there is a written account of what has transpired.

Thank you,

Here are some photos of their stellar work. Do not judge me for any pet hair that might show up in the photos. My blogger profile indicates I can't keep my house clean:

Here are the baseboard corners:

Here is vanity shelf that they had to cut to accommodate the plumbing. Notice all the splintering and deep cuts in the front.

This is the level of work that my husband and I could have done ourselves. Keep in mind the baseboards have been "fixed" in those photos. They were way worse before.


Id be pissed as well. Damn it if I wanted it to look like that I can do work like that!

I agree get THEM to fix it!

Good luck!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just nasty. I had the same problem when I had my remote keyless installed in my car. A national, highly regarded company... and they totally did a poor job, which they blamed on my having a car they didn't know how to work on, which they did NOT mention to me before trying to do the work. Keep updating on what happens here!

Blogger Melanie said...

You have got to be kidding me. My child could have done that. I hope you get your money back!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

as someone who does construction i have to say that you are right. how do people go around and not take pride in their work? are they poorly trained? if the owner of that company sees those pics and isnt completly embarassed that his employees do such crappy work i know some people that will have a little talk with him

Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Nappy:

Thank you for your concerns. We will investigate this matter further and get back to you in 8 months!

Regards, Customer Service

Blogger Kami said...

OMG. Is this some Home Depot work, or something?

LMAO at Spikey.

Hey, maybe in February, we can all get drunk and fix it ourselves.

Blogger Nap Queen said...

GREAT idea Kami!! I'm sure that a bunch of drunk women could do a better job, and I'm being completely serious. Not HD, but a company that specializes in small household remodel jobs. CRAPPY!

Blogger Caroline said...

I would be upset as well. Good luck with getting them to fix it.

Blogger Tammy said...

Damn. I could have done it and made it look like that!

I would get my $$ back and hire someone else to fix it. That just sucks.

Blogger Tammy said...

But, I would be more than happy to partake in the drinking and fixing.

Just so you know.

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Oh no! total bummer :(

Blogger charles blunt said...

looks like the kind of work I did in high school shop class. Now I think my work is very good . Keep in mind it was about 55 yrs ago that I was in high school . So dont give up hope .Or maybe you will be lucky an your workers will learn how to fix it in 20 years or less .

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Ummmmm, yeah. I could have whacked out better 45 degree angles using a steak knife.

Blogger Lisa said...

OH MY GOSH. That really SUCKS! I can totally understand why you are angry. Actually, your letter is really nice considering that bullshit.

Blogger John Burzynski said...

That looks like shawdy workmanship.

One of the hardest things to do is cut mitered angles on walls that do not meet at a perfect 90 degree angle...it requires a bit of finess and trial and error...patience, mostly.

It is apparent that this guy didn't take the time to try.

I have an older house, and mitered joints take a while, the walls often arent square due to settling and the age of the house. It can be done correctly...I have a house full of base molding to prove it.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

I would be so totally pissed off if I were you. Angie & I would be happy to come over & drunk fix it with you gals...let us know when:)


Blogger Fightin' Mad Mary said...

So sorry about your Handyman Company woes. I think at this point you should get your money back and hire someone else. You gave them two tries to get it right. Time to move on.

Blogger Kether said...

You are scaring me.

I am so sorry about the crap work. I had a plumber come to fix my upstairs bathtub and he caulked over the old mildewy caulk. His excuse was that he was just caulking as a favor and we hadn't contracted for it. Nice of you, but now all that mildew is stuck in there. If you're not going to do it right don't do it at all!

I hope you get your money back and it gets fixed.

Blogger Norman said...

Looks like something I would have done, which is why I try to pay money for others to do it..

Sorry you are having these problems... but hey!!! Happy New Year!! Maybe they'll get it right next year!?


Blogger Me said...

Oh goodness. I could understand if this was "Joe Schmoe - handyman" but to have this be your actual company and full time job? Scarry.

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