As I was washing my face last night, I realized that my eyelashes were soft. Meaning I didn't have on mascara. Like I completely forgot to put in on yesterday and didn't realize it all day long. I have not gone to work without mascara in, well, never. Mascara is one of those things that I have to put on, along with powder. If I have those two things, I don't feel so naked. I even had a few fake eyelashes on for my wedding. So my question is what makeup item do you have an unhealthy attachment? I always find it interesting how different us woman are when it comes to make-up.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Hee-hee, I posted about make-up today also.
That's funny that you forgot it. And that you didn't even notice you forgot it.
I am addicted to all things that go on my lips. Which is odd, since I have never really found a lipstick that I like, so mostly I just use glosses.
Oh, and I LOVE powder. Could not live without it.
Lipstick. I always have to have lipstick on. If not, I feel naked.
Foundation and powder!
Also lip gloss!
Lipstick, always applied with lip liner first, powder and mascara
Mascara and powder.
Lip gloss and/or lipstick and mascara.
All of it.
No, seriously...ummm, eyeliner and mascara...and bronzer...and lipstick...see? I left off blush.
I don't think anything. I do wear makeup everyday to work, but usually none if I'm not working. What do you think that means? Hmmmmm.
that's so funny - I was just thinking about doing a whole beauty post :)
I'm attached to foundation, lip gloss and mascara :)
Mascara and blush (I use it all over to give me color).
That reminds me...I hate this new mascara I got, I'm going back to the mall and splurging on some good stuff!
foundation/powder and blush. I do that because I'm so incredibly fair-skinned. A lot of fair-skinned people have a condition called "rosacea" and so I always at least try to even out my skin-tone! But today - I just don't give a rat's butt and have on NOTHING! WOOOHOOOOO
M.A.C. sandlewood lipstick (or whatever the hell you guys call it) ;)
After tooooooo many years worshipping the sun-god I need foundation. (Ok I need EVERYTHING) but if I don't have foundation I look like a zombie from Dawn of the Dead!
eyeliner and mascara. Must have. :) Otherwise people constantly ask me if I'm not feeling well.... :)
Oh I KNOW! I hate when I get to class and I forget my foundation, and then I realize I'm wearing black hose with brown shoes! And the worst is (I've done it before) putting on mascara on one side then answering the phone and coming back later to put on a different color on the other side! So TOTALLY sucks doesn't it!
The only thing I feel like I REALLY need is foundation. Just for the sunscreen. Its not like I think that's the only thing needed to look good. I'm just too lazy to put forth the effort when the only place I'll probably go is the grocery store, or Target. Or maybe even walk outside to get the mail.
Mascara and some sort of lip goop - whether it be lipstick or Blistex if I am all chapped up.
gotta have some lipstick or I look like a zombie
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