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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
In Good Company & WBW
So I will be doing WBW tomorrow as I think I might just have the winning photo, if not a second place finish to Dunkin's purple leotard masterpiece. Check her out if you haven't. It really is spectacular. My photo does not involve a purple leotard, but it does include a red leotard, an orange net wig and tap shoes. Now I KNOW you will come back to see it. There might be a bonus photo of me in a teddy bear costume as well......

I'm glad so many of you agree with me about Mariah. She is just over the top. Since that last post, I saw a photo of her walking around on the beach in pink stiletto heels. Oh, Mariah, there is a time and place for that. The beach is not that time or that place. That's all I will say about her for now.

Tonight, my sister and I are going to the kick-off party for the bike ride. I'm hoping there is free food. I'm a free food slut. Love it long time. I'll actually be registering for the ride tonight, and then you know what time it is???? Ask everyone for money time! Yea!!! Isn't that the best? I just LOVE asking people donate money. Argh, just kidding. Although I know it is for a good cause that I believe in 100%, I still hate asking for money. It stems from my inability to ask for help, even when I really need it. Blech.


Post a link! I will be donating to ya chickie!

Good luck registering tonight.

I will be back for those costumes!

Blogger Kami said...

I love free food, too. What did they have?

Blogger Lisa said...

You can count on me to donate. Hit me up! :-)

Blogger Tammy said...

Can't not wait for the costumes.

I will donate if you promise to send my PK back to me. I miss her.

Blogger Unknown said...

I gave at the office!

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Fo sho post a link. Set up a Paypal account and I bet you make a ton. I will donate fo sho.

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Wait, I saw a picture of her in a yellow one piece in one of the smutty mags.

Yellow? One piece?

Did less than nothing for her.

Blogger Kat said...

I'm waiting for these pics that will rival Dunkin - that's going to be hard to beat! :)

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